I have a report that run daily for 3 topics. For 2 of the topics the numbers add up for total calls received = total answered + total abandoned, for one of the topics though the total received does not add up.
The only difference I see in the task flows is change in the location of task trap and that doesn't seem like it would cause this.
See attached.
IPOCC is release 9.1.8.
Any ideas?
"All men are fools. Some the wise, fool others. Others the foolish fool themselves. While a rare few fool both others and themselves. These are the rulers of men" from 'The Darkness That Comes Before' by R Scott Bakker
The only difference I see in the task flows is change in the location of task trap and that doesn't seem like it would cause this.
See attached.
IPOCC is release 9.1.8.
Any ideas?
"All men are fools. Some the wise, fool others. Others the foolish fool themselves. While a rare few fool both others and themselves. These are the rulers of men" from 'The Darkness That Comes Before' by R Scott Bakker