I have a report that uses an inputbox to request an event number. It then calls a stored procedure using the event_number as a parameter and brings back a recordset. I use the data to populate a table and run the report.
This works fine. The problem lies when after the table is populated and before the report displays, an inputbox is displayed asking for the event number again. This is not the same inputbox I created with code.
Below is the code. How can I get the second inputbox from appearing?
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)
On Error GoTo Err_Run_Duplicate_Event_Report_Click
Dim stDocName As String
Dim cnn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim cmd1 As New ADODB.Command
Dim Adors As ADODB.Recordset
Dim sqltext As String
Dim db As Database
Dim recSet As Recordset
Dim Patient_DOB As Date
Dim CurDate As Date
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set recSet = db.OpenRecordset("tbl_BehaviorHealth")
sqltext = InputBox("Enter event number")
If sqltext <> "" Then
Set Adors = New ADODB.Recordset
' Open a connection using an ODBC DSN.
cnn.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source=bjcsql04; Initial Catalog=RiskMaster;User Id=rmsysadm; Password=riskm1"
cmd1.ActiveConnection = cnn
cmd1.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
cmd1.CommandText = "BehaviorHealthRpt"
cmd1.Parameters(1) = sqltext
cmd1.CommandTimeout = 90
Set Adors = cmd1.Execute
If recSet.RecordCount > 0 Then
End If
recSet("Event_Nbr") = Adors(0)
recSet("Date_Of_Event_Month") = Right(Adors(10), 2)
recSet("Date_Of_Event_Day") = Mid(Adors(10), 5, 2)
recSet("Date_Of_Event_Year") = Left(Adors(10), 4)
recSet("Time_Of_Event_Hour") = Left(Adors(11), 2)
recSet("Time_Of_Event_Minute") = Right(Adors(11), 2)
recSet("EventLocation") = Adors(12)
recSet("MedicalRec") = Adors(9)
recSet("ReportedByName") = Adors(13)
recSet("ReportedByPhone") = Adors(14)
recSet("Event_Descript") = Adors(15)
If Adors(18) = "Male" Then
recSet("PIGenderMale") = 1
recSet("PIGenderFemale") = 1
End If
Patient_DOB = DateSerial(Left(Adors(7), 4), Mid(Adors(7), 5, 2), Right(Adors(7), 2))
CurDate = Date
recSet("PIBirthAge") = DateDiff("yyyy", Patient_DOB, CurDate)
Select Case Adors(1)
Case "Accident"
recSet("Injury") = 1
recSet("Injury_Accident") = 1
Case "Other Inflicted"
recSet("Injury") = 1
recSet("Injury_OtherInflicted") = 1
Case "Self Inflicted"
recSet("Injury") = 1
recSet("Injury_ConsumerInflicted") = 1
recSet("Injury_SelfInflicted") = 1
Case "Staff Inflicted"
recSet("Injury") = 1
recSet("Injury_StaffInflicted") = 1
Case "Unknown"
recSet("Injury") = 1
recSet("Injury_Unknown") = 1
End Select
Select Case Adors(17)
Case "DE01", "DE02", "DE03", "DE04", "DE05"
recSet("ConsumerDeath") = 1
Select Case Adors(17)
Case "DE01"
recSet("AccidentDeath") = 1
Case "DE02"
recSet("Homicide") = 1
Case "DE03"
recSet("Natural") = 1
Case "DE04"
recSet("Suicide") = 1
Case "DE05"
recSet("Unknown") = 1
End Select
Case "BE08"
recSet("Elopement") = 1
Case "BE41", "BE42"
recSet("Abuse") = 1
recSet("VerbalAbuse") = 1
Case "BE30", "BE31"
recSet("Abuse") = 1
recSet("PhysicalAbuse") = 1
Case "BE32", "BE33"
recSet("Abuse") = 1
recSet("SexualAbuse") = 1
Case "BE44"
recSet("MisUseFunds") = 1
Case Else
recSet("Other") = 1
End Select
Do While Not Adors.EOF
Select Case Adors(4)
Case "Patient"
recSet("PatientName") = Adors(3) + " " + Adors(2)
Case "Witness"
If IsNull(recSet("WitnessFirstName1")) Then
recSet("WitnessFirstName1") = Adors(2)
recSet("WitnessLastName1") = Adors(3)
If IsNull(recSet("WitnessFirstName2")) Then
recSet("WitnessFirstName2") = Adors(2)
recSet("WitnessLastName2") = Adors(3)
If IsNull(recSet("WitnessFirstName3")) Then
recSet("WitnessFirstName3") = Adors(2)
recSet("WitnessLastName3") = Adors(3)
End If
End If
End If
Case "Other Person"
If Not IsNull(Adors(8)) Then
Select Case Adors(8)
Case "Family/Guardian"
recSet("Family") = 1
recSet("PN_FamilyName") = Adors(2) + " " + Adors(3)
Case "Physician"
recSet("Physician") = 1
recSet("PN_PhysicianName") = Adors(2) + " " + Adors(3)
Case "Law Enforcement"
recSet("LawEnforce") = 1
recSet("PN_LawName") = Adors(2) + " " + Adors(3)
Case "DSS-Children's Division"
recSet("DSS") = 1
recSet("PN_DSSName") = Adors(2) + " " + Adors(3)
Case "Division of Senior Services"
recSet("SeniorService") = 1
recSet("PN_SeniorServicesName") = Adors(2) + " " + Adors(3)
Case "Dept. of Mental Health"
recSet("MentalHealth") = 1
recSet("PN_MentalHealthName") = Adors(2) + " " + Adors(3)
Case "911"
recSet("Y911") = 1
recSet("PN_911Name") = Adors(2) + " " + Adors(3)
Case "Other"
recSet("Other1") = 1
recSet("PN_Other1Name") = Adors(2) + " " + Adors(3)
Case "Other2"
recSet("Other2") = 1
recSet("PN_Other2Name") = Adors(2) + " " + Adors(3)
Case "Other3"
recSet("Other3") = 1
recSet("PN_Other3Name") = Adors(2) + " " + Adors(3)
Case "Other4"
recSet("Other4") = 1
recSet("PN_Other4Name") = Adors(2) + " " + Adors(3)
End Select
If Adors(6) = "OtherEmployee" Then
If IsNull(recSet("EmployeeName1")) Then
recSet("EmployeeName1") = Adors(2) + " " + Adors(3)
If IsNull(recSet("EmployeeName2")) Then
recSet("EmployeeName2") = Adors(2) + " " + Adors(3)
If IsNull(recSet("EmployeeName3")) Then
recSet("EmployeeName3") = Adors(2) + " " + Adors(3)
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Select
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Run_Duplicate_Event_Report_Click
End Sub
Private Sub Report_Page()
End Sub
This works fine. The problem lies when after the table is populated and before the report displays, an inputbox is displayed asking for the event number again. This is not the same inputbox I created with code.
Below is the code. How can I get the second inputbox from appearing?
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)
On Error GoTo Err_Run_Duplicate_Event_Report_Click
Dim stDocName As String
Dim cnn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim cmd1 As New ADODB.Command
Dim Adors As ADODB.Recordset
Dim sqltext As String
Dim db As Database
Dim recSet As Recordset
Dim Patient_DOB As Date
Dim CurDate As Date
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set recSet = db.OpenRecordset("tbl_BehaviorHealth")
sqltext = InputBox("Enter event number")
If sqltext <> "" Then
Set Adors = New ADODB.Recordset
' Open a connection using an ODBC DSN.
cnn.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source=bjcsql04; Initial Catalog=RiskMaster;User Id=rmsysadm; Password=riskm1"
cmd1.ActiveConnection = cnn
cmd1.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
cmd1.CommandText = "BehaviorHealthRpt"
cmd1.Parameters(1) = sqltext
cmd1.CommandTimeout = 90
Set Adors = cmd1.Execute
If recSet.RecordCount > 0 Then
End If
recSet("Event_Nbr") = Adors(0)
recSet("Date_Of_Event_Month") = Right(Adors(10), 2)
recSet("Date_Of_Event_Day") = Mid(Adors(10), 5, 2)
recSet("Date_Of_Event_Year") = Left(Adors(10), 4)
recSet("Time_Of_Event_Hour") = Left(Adors(11), 2)
recSet("Time_Of_Event_Minute") = Right(Adors(11), 2)
recSet("EventLocation") = Adors(12)
recSet("MedicalRec") = Adors(9)
recSet("ReportedByName") = Adors(13)
recSet("ReportedByPhone") = Adors(14)
recSet("Event_Descript") = Adors(15)
If Adors(18) = "Male" Then
recSet("PIGenderMale") = 1
recSet("PIGenderFemale") = 1
End If
Patient_DOB = DateSerial(Left(Adors(7), 4), Mid(Adors(7), 5, 2), Right(Adors(7), 2))
CurDate = Date
recSet("PIBirthAge") = DateDiff("yyyy", Patient_DOB, CurDate)
Select Case Adors(1)
Case "Accident"
recSet("Injury") = 1
recSet("Injury_Accident") = 1
Case "Other Inflicted"
recSet("Injury") = 1
recSet("Injury_OtherInflicted") = 1
Case "Self Inflicted"
recSet("Injury") = 1
recSet("Injury_ConsumerInflicted") = 1
recSet("Injury_SelfInflicted") = 1
Case "Staff Inflicted"
recSet("Injury") = 1
recSet("Injury_StaffInflicted") = 1
Case "Unknown"
recSet("Injury") = 1
recSet("Injury_Unknown") = 1
End Select
Select Case Adors(17)
Case "DE01", "DE02", "DE03", "DE04", "DE05"
recSet("ConsumerDeath") = 1
Select Case Adors(17)
Case "DE01"
recSet("AccidentDeath") = 1
Case "DE02"
recSet("Homicide") = 1
Case "DE03"
recSet("Natural") = 1
Case "DE04"
recSet("Suicide") = 1
Case "DE05"
recSet("Unknown") = 1
End Select
Case "BE08"
recSet("Elopement") = 1
Case "BE41", "BE42"
recSet("Abuse") = 1
recSet("VerbalAbuse") = 1
Case "BE30", "BE31"
recSet("Abuse") = 1
recSet("PhysicalAbuse") = 1
Case "BE32", "BE33"
recSet("Abuse") = 1
recSet("SexualAbuse") = 1
Case "BE44"
recSet("MisUseFunds") = 1
Case Else
recSet("Other") = 1
End Select
Do While Not Adors.EOF
Select Case Adors(4)
Case "Patient"
recSet("PatientName") = Adors(3) + " " + Adors(2)
Case "Witness"
If IsNull(recSet("WitnessFirstName1")) Then
recSet("WitnessFirstName1") = Adors(2)
recSet("WitnessLastName1") = Adors(3)
If IsNull(recSet("WitnessFirstName2")) Then
recSet("WitnessFirstName2") = Adors(2)
recSet("WitnessLastName2") = Adors(3)
If IsNull(recSet("WitnessFirstName3")) Then
recSet("WitnessFirstName3") = Adors(2)
recSet("WitnessLastName3") = Adors(3)
End If
End If
End If
Case "Other Person"
If Not IsNull(Adors(8)) Then
Select Case Adors(8)
Case "Family/Guardian"
recSet("Family") = 1
recSet("PN_FamilyName") = Adors(2) + " " + Adors(3)
Case "Physician"
recSet("Physician") = 1
recSet("PN_PhysicianName") = Adors(2) + " " + Adors(3)
Case "Law Enforcement"
recSet("LawEnforce") = 1
recSet("PN_LawName") = Adors(2) + " " + Adors(3)
Case "DSS-Children's Division"
recSet("DSS") = 1
recSet("PN_DSSName") = Adors(2) + " " + Adors(3)
Case "Division of Senior Services"
recSet("SeniorService") = 1
recSet("PN_SeniorServicesName") = Adors(2) + " " + Adors(3)
Case "Dept. of Mental Health"
recSet("MentalHealth") = 1
recSet("PN_MentalHealthName") = Adors(2) + " " + Adors(3)
Case "911"
recSet("Y911") = 1
recSet("PN_911Name") = Adors(2) + " " + Adors(3)
Case "Other"
recSet("Other1") = 1
recSet("PN_Other1Name") = Adors(2) + " " + Adors(3)
Case "Other2"
recSet("Other2") = 1
recSet("PN_Other2Name") = Adors(2) + " " + Adors(3)
Case "Other3"
recSet("Other3") = 1
recSet("PN_Other3Name") = Adors(2) + " " + Adors(3)
Case "Other4"
recSet("Other4") = 1
recSet("PN_Other4Name") = Adors(2) + " " + Adors(3)
End Select
If Adors(6) = "OtherEmployee" Then
If IsNull(recSet("EmployeeName1")) Then
recSet("EmployeeName1") = Adors(2) + " " + Adors(3)
If IsNull(recSet("EmployeeName2")) Then
recSet("EmployeeName2") = Adors(2) + " " + Adors(3)
If IsNull(recSet("EmployeeName3")) Then
recSet("EmployeeName3") = Adors(2) + " " + Adors(3)
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Select
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Run_Duplicate_Event_Report_Click
End Sub
Private Sub Report_Page()
End Sub