I need to build a report in Crystal, but with all the data coming thru a stored procedure in SQL server.
The report has the following fields:
physician id, physician's name - from physician table
count of number of patients represented by each physician,
in each category - labtest 1, 2, 3 or 4 performed on patient.
basically, I need a total of number of patients 'represented' by each doctor, broken down by labtest category, and then need to calculate the percentage of grand total.
The report lists the doctors that represent over 1% of patients and it takes hospitalid as parameter.
If a patient has had 5 xray done by the same doctor, the number of xrays must be counted as 1.
The report has the following fields:
physician id, physician's name - from physician table
count of number of patients represented by each physician,
in each category - labtest 1, 2, 3 or 4 performed on patient.
basically, I need a total of number of patients 'represented' by each doctor, broken down by labtest category, and then need to calculate the percentage of grand total.
The report lists the doctors that represent over 1% of patients and it takes hospitalid as parameter.
If a patient has had 5 xray done by the same doctor, the number of xrays must be counted as 1.