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report summary using various parameters fields 1

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Technical User
Jan 19, 2011
I have a report that shows a summary of inspections performed, this reports has two groupa date and type i.e: structures and permit, in each group footer i show the total by type and how many failed or passed and the failed % in last 2 weeks or last 5 days.

now i'm task to create a report that allows users input the number of activities to be perfomed, next to that a column I WILL CREATE A formula that will give me the "schedule number of inspections". We want to use this report to compare the actual number of inspections with the scheduled number of inspections based on the number of activitties.

i tried creating paramenters fields to allow users the input but the number of activities will vary according to the week and i think i will need to add a grouping for this, i tried doing that but it wouldn't allow me to select a paraemeter field as a group... is it possible to create a report like this? I'm lost :(

I use Crystal Reports 2008. Any suggestions are greatly APPRECIATED!

Structures(50%) Permit(5% ) %<80
Sch'd Sch'd Actual Sch'd Actual Failed Sch'd Actual Failed
Act Inps
334 91 88 46 62 2 5 4 0 9%
298 88 64 44 39 3 4 5 1 8%
300 89 66 45 35 2 4 6 3 8%
Total 427 61% 17 6% 10 10%
This is hard to follow--I can't tell what report sections your sample is showing. What fields are you grouping on? Type does not appear to be a group. If you go into report->group expert, what is the group structure that appears there?

Are you asking the user to enter separate activity numbers per week? How are you limiting the dates for the entire report? Is there a constant number of weeks? How do the users know what week they are enterint the numbers for?

Is grouped first by type then by inspection date

the amount of activities will inputed by users per month
one part of the report needs to show the totoal for each schd activities per month:

Month SchdAct SchInps Actual
Jan-11 202 78 55

the next part will show by results by type:
SchdAct SchInps Actual
39 20 10

I need to show ecah month and next to it the number of activityythat will be inputed by the users
Jan 300
Feb 200
March --
April --
May --

My idea was to change the date group to show the month value.
Create a number parameter {?MoQty} that allows multiple values. Instruct your users in the prompt text to enter quantities in month order, starting with January. Add the following formula where you want to display the amounts.

numbervar qty := 0;
numbervar i;
numbervar j := ubound({?MoQty});
for i := 1 to j do(
if month({Orders.Order Date}) = i then
qty := {?MoQty}

Thanks It worked! however what my peers actually need
is to hardcode these entries, so in the inspections table i created one field for each month (QTY Jan), etc

My problem is how to tide each field with my Date Group which is displayed monthly)

in my Date group footer i'm showing the following:
Sum({@sys.tonumberfailed },{Inspections_and_Tests.InspectionsTests~InspectionDate},("monthly"))

any other suggestions?
Also is there any way to display the summary of the grouping Type vertically?

month Structures Permit
jan 10 20
so i did a crosstab:

here are my fields


@sys.#failed =
TONUMBER ({Inspections_and_Tests.InspectionsTests~Udf_Failed});

if {Inspections_and_Tests.InspectionsTests~Udf_Failed} = true Then

@sys.complted =
if {Inspections_and_Tests.InspectionsTests~Status} = 'completed' then 1 else 0

@sys.specsub =
if isnull({Inspections_and_Tests.InspectionsTests~SpecSubSection}) or not
(isnumeric({Inspections_and_Tests.InspectionsTests~SpecSubSection}))then 0 else

@sys.calc =
if {@sys.#specsub} = 0 then 0 else

1 colunm {Inspections_and_Tests.InspectionsTests~MaterialCode}
1 row - [Inspections_and_Tests.InspectionsTests~InspectionDate]

summarized fields

this is what i get

Structures Safety
Act Sch'd Actual Sch'd Actual Failed
Jan-11 202 77 55 0 30 3 #####
Feb-11 271 86 61 0 30 5
Mar-11 271 86 93 0 65 2
Apr-11 0 0 88 0 62 2
May-11 0 0 64 0 39 3
Jun-11 0 0 71 0 39 2
Jul-11 0 0 57 0 35 1
Aug-11 0 0 1 0 0 0
Total 490 0 300 18

but it needs to give me this
Structures Safety
Act Sch'd Actual Sch'd Actual Failed
Jan-11 202 77 55 39 30 3 xxxxx
Feb-11 271 86 61 43 30 5
Mar-11 271 86 93 45 65 2
Apr-11 0 0 88 46 62 2
May-11 0 0 64 44 39 3
Jun-11 0 0 71 45 39 2
Jul-11 0 0 57 0 35 1
Aug-11 0 0 1 0 0 0
Total 490 0 300 18

i need to insert something to calculate the following

if {Inspections_and_Tests.InspectionsTests~MaterialCode}= 'Structures' then 125/(1+(124/{@sys.#specsub}))*.50
else,.if {Inspections_and_Tests.InspectionsTests~MaterialCode}= 'Safety' then 125/(1+(124/{@sys.#specsub}))*.30

where can i do that?

Please help!
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Part and Inventory Search

