Can some one help with this report as someone seems to have nicked my manual !
SCCS 4.0 (creaking at the joints)
When I run the Route Performance report, I get some odd answers (not really a report I've ever run). Time period approx 3 hours
Under all trunks busy I get 236 , total time 46 minutes, but calls blocked 0.
Can someone explain how I can have 236 busy calls, but none blocked?
The reason to run the report is one bunch of agents are saying they take a call, the line drops then they get busy signal.
Only the truly stupid believe they know everything.
Stu.. 2004
SCCS 4.0 (creaking at the joints)
When I run the Route Performance report, I get some odd answers (not really a report I've ever run). Time period approx 3 hours
Under all trunks busy I get 236 , total time 46 minutes, but calls blocked 0.
Can someone explain how I can have 236 busy calls, but none blocked?
The reason to run the report is one bunch of agents are saying they take a call, the line drops then they get busy signal.
Only the truly stupid believe they know everything.
Stu.. 2004