I looked through the Threads and found bits and pieces of some code for passing parameters to a report but it seems I still don't have it just right. The problem is I am using two textboxes for a Start Date and an End Date and a combo box for employee names. The report should only show the employee chosen and their days worked between the start date and the end date.
The code I have is this:
Private Sub Command21_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command21_Click
Dim stDocName As String
stDocName = "rpt_Emp_Wkly"
' Start Date Between #10/15/2010# And #10/16/2010#
' End Date Between #10/15/2010# And #10/16/2010#
Dim sCrit As String
If Len(Trim(Forms![frmReports]![Text0] & "")) Then
sCrit = "[SDate] Between #" _
& Forms![frmReports]![Text0] & "#"
End If
If Len(Trim(Forms![frmReports]![Text1] & "")) Then
If Len(sCrit) Then sCrit = sCrit & " And"
sCrit = sCrit & " #" _
& Forms![frmReports]![Text1] & "#"
End If
If Len(Trim(Forms![frmReports]![Text1] & "")) Then
sCrit = sCrit & " And [EDate] Between #" _
& Forms![frmReports]![Text0] & "#"
End If
If Len(Trim(Forms![frmReports]![Text1] & "")) Then
If Len(sCrit) Then sCrit = sCrit & " And"
sCrit = sCrit & " #" _
& Forms![frmReports]![Text1] & "#"
End If
' Employee Name = Alvarez, Juan
If Len(Trim(Forms![frmReports]![Combo19] & "")) Then
If Len(sCrit) Then sCrit = sCrit & " And"
sCrit = sCrit _
& " [EMPNAME] = '" _
& Forms![frmReports]![Combo19] & "'"
End If
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acPreview, sCrit
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command21_Click
End Sub
The code I have is this:
Private Sub Command21_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command21_Click
Dim stDocName As String
stDocName = "rpt_Emp_Wkly"
' Start Date Between #10/15/2010# And #10/16/2010#
' End Date Between #10/15/2010# And #10/16/2010#
Dim sCrit As String
If Len(Trim(Forms![frmReports]![Text0] & "")) Then
sCrit = "[SDate] Between #" _
& Forms![frmReports]![Text0] & "#"
End If
If Len(Trim(Forms![frmReports]![Text1] & "")) Then
If Len(sCrit) Then sCrit = sCrit & " And"
sCrit = sCrit & " #" _
& Forms![frmReports]![Text1] & "#"
End If
If Len(Trim(Forms![frmReports]![Text1] & "")) Then
sCrit = sCrit & " And [EDate] Between #" _
& Forms![frmReports]![Text0] & "#"
End If
If Len(Trim(Forms![frmReports]![Text1] & "")) Then
If Len(sCrit) Then sCrit = sCrit & " And"
sCrit = sCrit & " #" _
& Forms![frmReports]![Text1] & "#"
End If
' Employee Name = Alvarez, Juan
If Len(Trim(Forms![frmReports]![Combo19] & "")) Then
If Len(sCrit) Then sCrit = sCrit & " And"
sCrit = sCrit _
& " [EMPNAME] = '" _
& Forms![frmReports]![Combo19] & "'"
End If
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acPreview, sCrit
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command21_Click
End Sub