In report painter I've got a report in which some rows are dependent on the selected company code.
I'd like to add some logic to these rows, but it seems that only one if-statement is allowed, and that I cannot use a nested if-statement. Does anybody know how I can add the following logic to a row in a report painter report?
IF '&YCOMPA' = 0300 THEN ( Y025 / 122 )* 22
ELSEIF '&YCOMPA' = 0702 THEN ( Y025 / 125 )* 25
ELSEIF '&YCOMPA' = 0708 THEN ( Y025 / 125 )* 25
ELSEIF '&YCOMPA' = 3066 THEN ( Y025 / 125 )* 25
ELSEIF '&YCOMPA' = 7082 THEN ( Y025 / 124 )* 24
ELSE ( Y025 / 117.5 )* 17.5
&YCOMPA = the company code selected by the user
Y025 = another row on which a multiplication is done, dependent on the selected company code, to derive the value of row
In report painter I've got a report in which some rows are dependent on the selected company code.
I'd like to add some logic to these rows, but it seems that only one if-statement is allowed, and that I cannot use a nested if-statement. Does anybody know how I can add the following logic to a row in a report painter report?
IF '&YCOMPA' = 0300 THEN ( Y025 / 122 )* 22
ELSEIF '&YCOMPA' = 0702 THEN ( Y025 / 125 )* 25
ELSEIF '&YCOMPA' = 0708 THEN ( Y025 / 125 )* 25
ELSEIF '&YCOMPA' = 3066 THEN ( Y025 / 125 )* 25
ELSEIF '&YCOMPA' = 7082 THEN ( Y025 / 124 )* 24
ELSE ( Y025 / 117.5 )* 17.5
&YCOMPA = the company code selected by the user
Y025 = another row on which a multiplication is done, dependent on the selected company code, to derive the value of row