I have a report that has some check boxes shown, for the purpose of telling the user what process to use. The application is for part manufacturing. The process define whether a part is to be new, modified, remade or quantity changed. Within this is the possibility of a negative quantity change.
Off to the right on the report is a quantity change. In the event this number is negative, I would like to do a page break, so that these parts show up at the end of the document on separate pages.
Question 1 - What event might something like this occur on?
Question 2 - What is the syntax to insert a page break?
Question 3 - Any other forseeable ideas? I can easily chnage the sort order to accomodate anything that is necessary.
Thanks in advance for the help with this issue.
Off to the right on the report is a quantity change. In the event this number is negative, I would like to do a page break, so that these parts show up at the end of the document on separate pages.
Question 1 - What event might something like this occur on?
Question 2 - What is the syntax to insert a page break?
Question 3 - Any other forseeable ideas? I can easily chnage the sort order to accomodate anything that is necessary.
Thanks in advance for the help with this issue.