I created a map of a casino floor - in a form using only labels. (The form works great)
Reason: the data displayed in the label doesn't change, the label shows the unique location designation of the machine (ex. AA0101) in the exact position it is located on the casino floor. The values of the recordset are displayed based on the label name by using the label backcolor - so each machine shows up as red or yellow, or green, for example, indicating if the value is a lot (hot/red) or little (cold/green), etc.
All works great.
But I'd like to get this in a report so a user can just print it. (currently i screen print the form)
As it took a long time to create all the labels for all the machines showing the floor configuration, I simply copied and pasted them into a report in the detail section.
I declared my db and recordset variables in the header of the module.
Then set them in OpenReport event
Then put my label coloring code in the Detail OnFormat event - with breakpoints
And when i run the report - it never even processes the Detail OnFormat event - doesn't break at any of the breakpoints.
I added a debug.print and nothing.
Why wouldn't it even go there? is it because i am using only labels?
So it isn't coloring my labels in the report.
Any suggestions on how to fix or make this in a different way?
Thank you for your help.
Reason: the data displayed in the label doesn't change, the label shows the unique location designation of the machine (ex. AA0101) in the exact position it is located on the casino floor. The values of the recordset are displayed based on the label name by using the label backcolor - so each machine shows up as red or yellow, or green, for example, indicating if the value is a lot (hot/red) or little (cold/green), etc.
All works great.
But I'd like to get this in a report so a user can just print it. (currently i screen print the form)
As it took a long time to create all the labels for all the machines showing the floor configuration, I simply copied and pasted them into a report in the detail section.
I declared my db and recordset variables in the header of the module.
Then set them in OpenReport event
Then put my label coloring code in the Detail OnFormat event - with breakpoints
And when i run the report - it never even processes the Detail OnFormat event - doesn't break at any of the breakpoints.
I added a debug.print and nothing.
Why wouldn't it even go there? is it because i am using only labels?
So it isn't coloring my labels in the report.
Any suggestions on how to fix or make this in a different way?
Thank you for your help.
Option Compare Database
Public DB As DAO.Database
Public rs As DAO.Recordset
Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
Dim intAvg As Integer
Dim lngRed As Long
Dim lngOrange As Long
Dim lngYellow As Long
Dim lngGreen As Long
Dim lngBlue As Long
Dim lngGrey As Long
Dim strFrm As String
If rs.RecordCount > 0 Then
strFrm = "RptAvg"
lngRed = RGB(255, 0, 0) '(237, 28, 36)
lngOrange = RGB(255, 194, 14)
lngYellow = RGB(255, 242, 0)
lngGreen = RGB(167, 218, 78)
lngBlue = RGB(119, 192, 212)
lngGrey = RGB(165, 165, 165)
With rs
Do Until rs.EOF
strID = rs!location
intAvg = rs!AvgPDay
strName = "lbl" & strID
If fIsRptCtl(strFrm, strName) = False Then
GoTo MoveOn
End If
Select Case intAvg
Case -100000 To -1
Me(strName).BackColor = lngGrey
Case 0 To 50
Me(strName).BackColor = lngBlue
Case 51 To 100
Me(strName).BackColor = lngGreen
Case 101 To 150
Me(strName).BackColor = lngYellow
Case 151 To 200
Me(strName).BackColor = lngOrange
Case Is > 201
Me(strName).BackColor = lngRed
End Select
varBookmark = .Bookmark
End With
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Report_Close()
If IsObject(rs) Then rs.Close
If IsObject(DB) Then DB.Close
Set rs = Nothing
Set DB = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Dim qdf As QueryDef
Set DB = CurrentDb()
Set qdf = DB.QueryDefs("qryRptMapB")
Set rs = qdf.OpenRecordset()
End Sub
Public DB As DAO.Database
Public rs As DAO.Recordset
Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
Dim intAvg As Integer
Dim lngRed As Long
Dim lngOrange As Long
Dim lngYellow As Long
Dim lngGreen As Long
Dim lngBlue As Long
Dim lngGrey As Long
Dim strFrm As String
If rs.RecordCount > 0 Then
strFrm = "RptAvg"
lngRed = RGB(255, 0, 0) '(237, 28, 36)
lngOrange = RGB(255, 194, 14)
lngYellow = RGB(255, 242, 0)
lngGreen = RGB(167, 218, 78)
lngBlue = RGB(119, 192, 212)
lngGrey = RGB(165, 165, 165)
With rs
Do Until rs.EOF
strID = rs!location
intAvg = rs!AvgPDay
strName = "lbl" & strID
If fIsRptCtl(strFrm, strName) = False Then
GoTo MoveOn
End If
Select Case intAvg
Case -100000 To -1
Me(strName).BackColor = lngGrey
Case 0 To 50
Me(strName).BackColor = lngBlue
Case 51 To 100
Me(strName).BackColor = lngGreen
Case 101 To 150
Me(strName).BackColor = lngYellow
Case 151 To 200
Me(strName).BackColor = lngOrange
Case Is > 201
Me(strName).BackColor = lngRed
End Select
varBookmark = .Bookmark
End With
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Report_Close()
If IsObject(rs) Then rs.Close
If IsObject(DB) Then DB.Close
Set rs = Nothing
Set DB = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Dim qdf As QueryDef
Set DB = CurrentDb()
Set qdf = DB.QueryDefs("qryRptMapB")
Set rs = qdf.OpenRecordset()
End Sub