Here's a query I've used to get up to speed on a new project via SQL...You can cut and paste the results into your tool of choice and sort things out...
/* SQL Used to generate documentation
* Database: MSImd; Schema Owner: MSImd
* MSI Project Name: MYOLAPDEV
* Limitation: Only documents up to 10 levels of folders/objects
select o.project_id
, case o.object_type
when 1 then 'filter (1)'
when 2 then 'template (2)'
when 3 then 'report (3)'
when 4 then 'metric (4)'
when 6 then 'autostyle (6)'
when 8 then 'folder (8)'
when 10 then 'prompt (10)'
when 11 then 'function (11)'
when 12 then 'attribute (12)'
when 13 then 'fact (13)'
when 14 then 'hierarchy (14)'
when 15 then 'table (15)'
when 21 then 'attribute id (21)'
when 22 then 'schema (22)'
when 24 then 'warehouse catalog (24)'
when 25 then 'warehouse catalog definition (25)'
when 26 then 'table column (26)'
when 28 then 'property sets (28)'
when 39 then 'search (39)'
when 42 then 'package (42)'
when 47 then 'consolidations (47)'
when 52 then 'link (52)'
when 53 then 'table (53)'
when 56 then 'drill map (56)'
when 58 then 'security filter (58)'
else '(?' + rtrim(cast(o.object_type as char(3))) + '?)'
end object_type,
case when o.object_type = 8 then
+ '/' + isnull(p9.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p8.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p7.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p6.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p5.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p4.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p3.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p2.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p1.object_name,'')
+ '/' + o.object_name
+ '/' + isnull(p9.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p8.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p7.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p6.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p5.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p4.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p3.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p2.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p1.object_name,'')
end folder
, o.object_name
, o.object_id
, dod.depn_object_type
, dod.depn_object_subtype
, dod.depn_object_name
, dod.depn_object_id
, df.folder
from MSImd.dssmdobjinfo o
inner join MSImd.dssmdobjinfo p1
on o.parent_id = p1.object_id
and o.project_id = p1.project_id
left outer join MSImd.dssmdobjinfo p2
on p1.parent_id = p2.object_id
and p1.project_id = p2.project_id
left outer join MSImd.dssmdobjinfo p3
on p2.parent_id = p3.object_id
and p2.project_id = p3.project_id
left outer join MSImd.dssmdobjinfo p4
on p3.parent_id = p4.object_id
and p3.project_id = p4.project_id
left outer join MSImd.dssmdobjinfo p5
on p4.parent_id = p5.object_id
and p4.project_id = p5.project_id
left outer join MSImd.dssmdobjinfo p6
on p5.parent_id = p6.object_id
and p5.project_id = p6.project_id
left outer join MSImd.dssmdobjinfo p7
on p6.parent_id = p7.object_id
and p6.project_id = p7.project_id
left outer join MSImd.dssmdobjinfo p8
on p7.parent_id = p8.object_id
and p7.project_id = p8.project_id
left outer join MSImd.dssmdobjinfo p9
on p8.parent_id = p9.object_id
and p8.project_id = p9.project_id
left outer join MSImd.dssmdobjinfo p10
on p9.parent_id = p10.object_id
and p9.project_id = p10.project_id
inner join
select obj.project_id
, case obj.object_type
when 1 then 'filter (1)'
when 2 then 'template (2)'
when 3 then 'report (3)'
when 4 then 'metric (4)'
when 6 then 'autostyle (6)'
when 8 then 'folder (8)'
when 10 then 'prompt (10)'
when 11 then 'function (11)'
when 12 then 'attribute (12)'
when 13 then 'fact (13)'
when 14 then 'hierarchy (14)'
when 15 then 'table (15)'
when 21 then 'attribute id (21)'
when 22 then 'schema (22)'
when 24 then 'warehouse catalog (24)'
when 25 then 'warehouse catalog definition (25)'
when 26 then 'table column (26)'
when 28 then 'property sets (28)'
when 39 then 'search (39)'
when 42 then 'package (42)'
when 47 then 'consolidations (47)'
when 52 then 'link (52)'
when 53 then 'table (53)'
when 56 then 'drill map (56)'
when 58 then 'security filter (58)'
else '(?' + rtrim(cast(dob.object_type as char(3))) + '?)'
end container_object_type
, dep.object_id container_object_id
, obj.object_name container_object_name
, case dob.object_type
when 1 then 'filter (1)'
when 2 then 'template (2)'
when 3 then 'report (3)'
when 4 then 'metric (4)'
when 6 then 'autostyle (6)'
when 8 then 'folder (8)'
when 10 then 'prompt (10)'
when 11 then 'function (11)'
when 12 then 'attribute (12)'
when 13 then 'fact (13)'
when 14 then 'hierarchy (14)'
when 15 then 'table (15)'
when 21 then 'attribute id (21)'
when 22 then 'schema (22)'
when 24 then 'warehouse catalog (24)'
when 25 then 'warehouse catalog definition (25)'
when 26 then 'table column (26)'
when 28 then 'property sets (28)'
when 39 then 'search (39)'
when 42 then 'package (42)'
when 47 then 'consolidations (47)'
when 52 then 'link (52)'
when 53 then 'table (53)'
when 56 then 'drill map (56)'
when 58 then 'security filter (58)'
else '(?' + rtrim(cast(dob.object_type as char(3))) + '?)'
end depn_object_type
, dob.subtype depn_object_subtype
, dep.depn_objid depn_object_id
, dob.object_name depn_object_name
from MSImd.dssmdobjdepn dep
inner join MSImd.dssmdobjinfo pro
on dep.project_id = pro.project_id
and pro.parent_id = '00000000000000000000000000000000'
and pro.object_name = 'MYOLAPDEV'
and pro.object_type = 8
inner join MSImd.dssmdobjinfo obj
on dep.project_id = obj.project_id
and dep.object_id = obj.object_id
and dep.object_type = obj.object_type
inner join MSImd.dssmdobjinfo dob
on dep.project_id = dob.project_id
and dep.depn_objid = dob.object_id
and dep.depnobj_type = dob.object_type
where obj.object_type in (1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 10, 12, 13, 56)
and dob.subtype not in (1026, 2816)
) dod
on o.project_id = dod.project_id
and o.object_id = dod.container_object_id
inner join
select o.project_id
, case when o.object_type = 8 then
+ '/' + isnull(p9.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p8.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p7.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p6.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p5.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p4.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p3.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p2.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p1.object_name,'')
+ '/' + o.object_name
+ '/' + isnull(p9.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p8.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p7.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p6.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p5.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p4.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p3.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p2.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p1.object_name,'')
end folder
, o.object_id
from MSImd.dssmdobjinfo o
inner join MSImd.dssmdobjinfo p1
on o.parent_id = p1.object_id
and o.project_id = p1.project_id
left outer join MSImd.dssmdobjinfo p2
on p1.parent_id = p2.object_id
and p1.project_id = p2.project_id
left outer join MSImd.dssmdobjinfo p3
on p2.parent_id = p3.object_id
and p2.project_id = p3.project_id
left outer join MSImd.dssmdobjinfo p4
on p3.parent_id = p4.object_id
and p3.project_id = p4.project_id
left outer join MSImd.dssmdobjinfo p5
on p4.parent_id = p5.object_id
and p4.project_id = p5.project_id
left outer join MSImd.dssmdobjinfo p6
on p5.parent_id = p6.object_id
and p5.project_id = p6.project_id
left outer join MSImd.dssmdobjinfo p7
on p6.parent_id = p7.object_id
and p6.project_id = p7.project_id
left outer join MSImd.dssmdobjinfo p8
on p7.parent_id = p8.object_id
and p7.project_id = p8.project_id
left outer join MSImd.dssmdobjinfo p9
on p8.parent_id = p9.object_id
and p8.project_id = p9.project_id
left outer join MSImd.dssmdobjinfo p10
on p9.parent_id = p10.object_id
and p9.project_id = p10.project_id
where o.project_id = (select project_id
from MSImd.dssmdobjinfo
where object_type = 8
and object_name = 'MYOLAPDEV')
) df
on dod.project_id = df.project_id
and dod.depn_object_id = df.object_id
where o.project_id = (select project_id
from MSImd.dssmdobjinfo
where object_type = 8
and object_name = 'MYOLAPDEV')
and o.object_type = 3
-- the following filters report selection to those found only these two folders with these GUIDs:
and ( 'FOLDER1GUIDGOESHERE' in (p1.parent_id, p2.parent_id, p3.parent_id, p4.parent_id, p5.parent_id, p6.parent_id, p7.parent_id, p8.parent_id, p9.parent_id, p10.parent_id)
or 'FOLDER2GUIDGOESHERE' in (p1.parent_id, p2.parent_id, p3.parent_id, p4.parent_id, p5.parent_id, p6.parent_id, p7.parent_id, p8.parent_id, p9.parent_id, p10.parent_id))
order by o.object_type
, p10.object_name
, p9.object_name
, p8.object_name
, p7.object_name
, p6.object_name
, p5.object_name
, p4.object_name
, p3.object_name
, p2.object_name
, p1.object_name
, o.object_name
, dod.depn_object_type
, dod.depn_object_name
, dod.depn_object_id
/* SQL Used to generate documentation
* Database: MSImd; Schema Owner: MSImd
* MSI Project Name: MYOLAPDEV
* Limitation: Only documents up to 10 levels of folders/objects
select o.project_id
, case o.object_type
when 1 then 'filter (1)'
when 2 then 'template (2)'
when 3 then 'report (3)'
when 4 then 'metric (4)'
when 6 then 'autostyle (6)'
when 8 then 'folder (8)'
when 10 then 'prompt (10)'
when 11 then 'function (11)'
when 12 then 'attribute (12)'
when 13 then 'fact (13)'
when 14 then 'hierarchy (14)'
when 15 then 'table (15)'
when 21 then 'attribute id (21)'
when 22 then 'schema (22)'
when 24 then 'warehouse catalog (24)'
when 25 then 'warehouse catalog definition (25)'
when 26 then 'table column (26)'
when 28 then 'property sets (28)'
when 39 then 'search (39)'
when 42 then 'package (42)'
when 47 then 'consolidations (47)'
when 52 then 'link (52)'
when 53 then 'table (53)'
when 56 then 'drill map (56)'
when 58 then 'security filter (58)'
else '(?' + rtrim(cast(o.object_type as char(3))) + '?)'
end object_type,
case when o.object_type = 8 then
+ '/' + isnull(p9.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p8.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p7.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p6.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p5.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p4.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p3.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p2.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p1.object_name,'')
+ '/' + o.object_name
+ '/' + isnull(p9.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p8.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p7.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p6.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p5.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p4.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p3.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p2.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p1.object_name,'')
end folder
, o.object_name
, o.object_id
, dod.depn_object_type
, dod.depn_object_subtype
, dod.depn_object_name
, dod.depn_object_id
, df.folder
from MSImd.dssmdobjinfo o
inner join MSImd.dssmdobjinfo p1
on o.parent_id = p1.object_id
and o.project_id = p1.project_id
left outer join MSImd.dssmdobjinfo p2
on p1.parent_id = p2.object_id
and p1.project_id = p2.project_id
left outer join MSImd.dssmdobjinfo p3
on p2.parent_id = p3.object_id
and p2.project_id = p3.project_id
left outer join MSImd.dssmdobjinfo p4
on p3.parent_id = p4.object_id
and p3.project_id = p4.project_id
left outer join MSImd.dssmdobjinfo p5
on p4.parent_id = p5.object_id
and p4.project_id = p5.project_id
left outer join MSImd.dssmdobjinfo p6
on p5.parent_id = p6.object_id
and p5.project_id = p6.project_id
left outer join MSImd.dssmdobjinfo p7
on p6.parent_id = p7.object_id
and p6.project_id = p7.project_id
left outer join MSImd.dssmdobjinfo p8
on p7.parent_id = p8.object_id
and p7.project_id = p8.project_id
left outer join MSImd.dssmdobjinfo p9
on p8.parent_id = p9.object_id
and p8.project_id = p9.project_id
left outer join MSImd.dssmdobjinfo p10
on p9.parent_id = p10.object_id
and p9.project_id = p10.project_id
inner join
select obj.project_id
, case obj.object_type
when 1 then 'filter (1)'
when 2 then 'template (2)'
when 3 then 'report (3)'
when 4 then 'metric (4)'
when 6 then 'autostyle (6)'
when 8 then 'folder (8)'
when 10 then 'prompt (10)'
when 11 then 'function (11)'
when 12 then 'attribute (12)'
when 13 then 'fact (13)'
when 14 then 'hierarchy (14)'
when 15 then 'table (15)'
when 21 then 'attribute id (21)'
when 22 then 'schema (22)'
when 24 then 'warehouse catalog (24)'
when 25 then 'warehouse catalog definition (25)'
when 26 then 'table column (26)'
when 28 then 'property sets (28)'
when 39 then 'search (39)'
when 42 then 'package (42)'
when 47 then 'consolidations (47)'
when 52 then 'link (52)'
when 53 then 'table (53)'
when 56 then 'drill map (56)'
when 58 then 'security filter (58)'
else '(?' + rtrim(cast(dob.object_type as char(3))) + '?)'
end container_object_type
, dep.object_id container_object_id
, obj.object_name container_object_name
, case dob.object_type
when 1 then 'filter (1)'
when 2 then 'template (2)'
when 3 then 'report (3)'
when 4 then 'metric (4)'
when 6 then 'autostyle (6)'
when 8 then 'folder (8)'
when 10 then 'prompt (10)'
when 11 then 'function (11)'
when 12 then 'attribute (12)'
when 13 then 'fact (13)'
when 14 then 'hierarchy (14)'
when 15 then 'table (15)'
when 21 then 'attribute id (21)'
when 22 then 'schema (22)'
when 24 then 'warehouse catalog (24)'
when 25 then 'warehouse catalog definition (25)'
when 26 then 'table column (26)'
when 28 then 'property sets (28)'
when 39 then 'search (39)'
when 42 then 'package (42)'
when 47 then 'consolidations (47)'
when 52 then 'link (52)'
when 53 then 'table (53)'
when 56 then 'drill map (56)'
when 58 then 'security filter (58)'
else '(?' + rtrim(cast(dob.object_type as char(3))) + '?)'
end depn_object_type
, dob.subtype depn_object_subtype
, dep.depn_objid depn_object_id
, dob.object_name depn_object_name
from MSImd.dssmdobjdepn dep
inner join MSImd.dssmdobjinfo pro
on dep.project_id = pro.project_id
and pro.parent_id = '00000000000000000000000000000000'
and pro.object_name = 'MYOLAPDEV'
and pro.object_type = 8
inner join MSImd.dssmdobjinfo obj
on dep.project_id = obj.project_id
and dep.object_id = obj.object_id
and dep.object_type = obj.object_type
inner join MSImd.dssmdobjinfo dob
on dep.project_id = dob.project_id
and dep.depn_objid = dob.object_id
and dep.depnobj_type = dob.object_type
where obj.object_type in (1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 10, 12, 13, 56)
and dob.subtype not in (1026, 2816)
) dod
on o.project_id = dod.project_id
and o.object_id = dod.container_object_id
inner join
select o.project_id
, case when o.object_type = 8 then
+ '/' + isnull(p9.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p8.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p7.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p6.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p5.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p4.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p3.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p2.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p1.object_name,'')
+ '/' + o.object_name
+ '/' + isnull(p9.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p8.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p7.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p6.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p5.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p4.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p3.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p2.object_name,'')
+ '/' + isnull(p1.object_name,'')
end folder
, o.object_id
from MSImd.dssmdobjinfo o
inner join MSImd.dssmdobjinfo p1
on o.parent_id = p1.object_id
and o.project_id = p1.project_id
left outer join MSImd.dssmdobjinfo p2
on p1.parent_id = p2.object_id
and p1.project_id = p2.project_id
left outer join MSImd.dssmdobjinfo p3
on p2.parent_id = p3.object_id
and p2.project_id = p3.project_id
left outer join MSImd.dssmdobjinfo p4
on p3.parent_id = p4.object_id
and p3.project_id = p4.project_id
left outer join MSImd.dssmdobjinfo p5
on p4.parent_id = p5.object_id
and p4.project_id = p5.project_id
left outer join MSImd.dssmdobjinfo p6
on p5.parent_id = p6.object_id
and p5.project_id = p6.project_id
left outer join MSImd.dssmdobjinfo p7
on p6.parent_id = p7.object_id
and p6.project_id = p7.project_id
left outer join MSImd.dssmdobjinfo p8
on p7.parent_id = p8.object_id
and p7.project_id = p8.project_id
left outer join MSImd.dssmdobjinfo p9
on p8.parent_id = p9.object_id
and p8.project_id = p9.project_id
left outer join MSImd.dssmdobjinfo p10
on p9.parent_id = p10.object_id
and p9.project_id = p10.project_id
where o.project_id = (select project_id
from MSImd.dssmdobjinfo
where object_type = 8
and object_name = 'MYOLAPDEV')
) df
on dod.project_id = df.project_id
and dod.depn_object_id = df.object_id
where o.project_id = (select project_id
from MSImd.dssmdobjinfo
where object_type = 8
and object_name = 'MYOLAPDEV')
and o.object_type = 3
-- the following filters report selection to those found only these two folders with these GUIDs:
and ( 'FOLDER1GUIDGOESHERE' in (p1.parent_id, p2.parent_id, p3.parent_id, p4.parent_id, p5.parent_id, p6.parent_id, p7.parent_id, p8.parent_id, p9.parent_id, p10.parent_id)
or 'FOLDER2GUIDGOESHERE' in (p1.parent_id, p2.parent_id, p3.parent_id, p4.parent_id, p5.parent_id, p6.parent_id, p7.parent_id, p8.parent_id, p9.parent_id, p10.parent_id))
order by o.object_type
, p10.object_name
, p9.object_name
, p8.object_name
, p7.object_name
, p6.object_name
, p5.object_name
, p4.object_name
, p3.object_name
, p2.object_name
, p1.object_name
, o.object_name
, dod.depn_object_type
, dod.depn_object_name
, dod.depn_object_id