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Report is displaying behind form

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Apr 6, 2013

I am trying to display a report but it is display behind the form where I am giving the command.


I changed show window 1,2 and 0 but same result.

What about the AlwaysOnTop property?
And what is your REPORT FORM command line?

Bye, Olaf.

Thanks for the reply, I am using the following code:

LOCAL mamount,mSono,CoName
mSono   = This.parent.mSono.ssTextBox1.Value
mamount = This.parent.netAmount.Value
IF ! USED('Company')
   USE Company IN 0
SELECT Company
coname = name
USE IN company

SEEK mSono IN SoDisp
Do FoxyPreviewer.App
_Screen.oFoxyPreviewer._SecondsText = "By Saif"
Report Form Locfile('\reports\SoView.frx') Preview


OK, so you're not using IN WINDOW or such clauses, just the normal Preview.

Just for your info, using FoxyPreviewer, the documentation says you DO FoxyPreviewer.APP ONCE only, only ONCE. Not before every report. That may be solving it.

But: What about the forms AlwaysOnTop setting? Is it .T.? Then your form always is on top of other forms, also on top of a report preview.

Bye, Olaf.
No, it is AlwaysOnTop property = .F


Then just move "Do FoxyPreviewer.App" into your main.app and remove it from your code preparing and running the report.

Bye, Olaf.
And what about not using foxypreviewer for a moment, just using the normal report engine?
Comment out the do foxypreviewer.app to see, if the native report preview window is showing up.

Bye, Olaf.
So, are you really having any records for the report, is the report preview really behind the form, or is it missing overall?
Is _screen.visible = .t.?

And what about deleting foxuser.dbf?

Bye, Olaf.
Also: Did you restart after removing Do Foxypreviewer.app. If you ran it, it's active for the whole session, you only revert to the native report engine, if you restart Foxpro.

Bye, Olaf.

Also: Did you restart after removing Do Foxypreviewer.app. If you ran it, it's active for the whole session, you only revert to the native report engine, if you restart Foxpro.

Yes I restart foxpro.

So, are you really having any records for the report, is the report preview really behind the form, or is it missing overall?

Yes report has records and it is previewing behind the form, I can see it if I drag the form aside.

Also, I check other forms with other reports it is printing/displaying well!!


Aha, other reports are not affected?

What about report features, do you use something needing Reportengine 90 instead of 80? You can try both Set Reportbehavior 80 and 90, if that won't work and deleting foxuser.dbf also has no effect, then I am almost at the end of my ideas.

Your code doesn't define a sepcific report preview windows, so either the native one or the foxy previewer window would be used. Does the preview window look different? Does it have modifications of the report toolbar (besides the ones coming from foxypreviewer)? Specific about foxypreviewer: You do redistribute it's report app files, do you?

Bye, Olaf.

I checked at foxypreviewer.codeplex.com

There only is the foxypreviewer.app additional to the normal VFP9SP2 report*.apps, but those need to be redistributed.
And are you at VFP9 SP2?

The Download section has a download of the VFP9SP2 Report*.apps (only, if you have problems) - And you have problems.

Bye, Olaf.
Hi, Olaf

I have generated a new form and kept the existing form for scrutinize the matter later.
In new form it is displaying the report normally by using the same foxypreviewer.app.
So, far the matter is solved.

I would like to thanks for the time sharing for this issue.

Hi, Olaf

I have generated a new form and kept the existing form for scrutinize the matter later.
In new form it is displaying the report normally by using the same foxypreviewer.app.
So, far the matter is solved. Please note that I am using vfp9sp2.

I would like to thanks for the time sharing for this issue.

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