I have a report within MS Access that has a group. The group header has a text box that uses the following formula to show the average Hours:Minutes:Seconds
=Format(Int(Sum([QDuration])/Count(*)/3600),"00") & ":" & Format((Sum([QDuration])/Count(*)/86400),"nn:ss")
It works great. However I have another text box that is very similar to show the maximum Hours:Minutes:Seconds
=Format(Int(Max([QDuration])/3600),"00") & ":" & Format((Max([QDuration])/86400),"nn:ss")
Unfortunately the result is "#Type!". So I modified it to just show =Max([QDuratioin]) and the result was Chinese characters. So I changed it to just [QDuration]. Still Chinese. I'm afraid I only understand English.
=Format(Int(Sum([QDuration])/Count(*)/3600),"00") & ":" & Format((Sum([QDuration])/Count(*)/86400),"nn:ss")
It works great. However I have another text box that is very similar to show the maximum Hours:Minutes:Seconds
=Format(Int(Max([QDuration])/3600),"00") & ":" & Format((Max([QDuration])/86400),"nn:ss")
Unfortunately the result is "#Type!". So I modified it to just show =Max([QDuratioin]) and the result was Chinese characters. So I changed it to just [QDuration]. Still Chinese. I'm afraid I only understand English.