Crystal 8.5
I have a report that uses a formula called "Variance Value".
numberVar Var :=
if {animal.animal_type} in "CAT" and {animal.sex} in "F" then {@Variance #} * 62.38 else
if {animal.animal_type} in "DOG" and {animal.sex} in "F" then {@Variance #} * 90.74 else
if {animal.animal_type} in "CAT" and {animal.sex} in "M" then {@Variance #} * 39.70 else
if {animal.animal_type} in "DOG" and {animal.sex} in "M" then {@Variance #} * 56.71;
shared numberVar RT := rt + var;
When this report is run from 2 of our user's machines, they get the following error message:
Error in formula <Variance Value>. 'numberVar Var =?' A variable name is expected here.
This same report runs fine all a dozen other machines.
Any ideas on why this error appears on selected computers would be much appreciated.
Ottawa Humane Society
I have a report that uses a formula called "Variance Value".
numberVar Var :=
if {animal.animal_type} in "CAT" and {animal.sex} in "F" then {@Variance #} * 62.38 else
if {animal.animal_type} in "DOG" and {animal.sex} in "F" then {@Variance #} * 90.74 else
if {animal.animal_type} in "CAT" and {animal.sex} in "M" then {@Variance #} * 39.70 else
if {animal.animal_type} in "DOG" and {animal.sex} in "M" then {@Variance #} * 56.71;
shared numberVar RT := rt + var;
When this report is run from 2 of our user's machines, they get the following error message:
Error in formula <Variance Value>. 'numberVar Var =?' A variable name is expected here.
This same report runs fine all a dozen other machines.
Any ideas on why this error appears on selected computers would be much appreciated.
Ottawa Humane Society