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Apr 4, 2003
Hello. I am looking for a way to add a button to be able to email a report in either .pdf, .jpg, .bmp, .tif, or just about anything other than the options Access gives you in the wizard. Coudl someone please give me a hand on this>?

Thanks for the help, and also ALL the PREVIOUS help you've given me.

Thanks again
Could anyone else give me some more input on this please?
I have used two options to do this myself.
One is to use the SendObject method via either macro or module in VBA as a .rtf (rich text format) attachment. This format opens in MS Word. It is a little bit tricky and finicky to get the initial formatting and layout just right. You have to play around with the report and print it out yourself first to make sure you get it just right. It doesn't always come out exactly as the report was designed in Access (things sometimes shift, etc.).
The other way which works far better is to go to Microsoft's site and look for the download of their Snapshot Viewer. This is just an executable you download which then installs the viewer onto the user's PC. You need to install it onto the sender and recipient's PCs. This is a very minor hassle, but well worth the trouble. The end result is that you can send the report as a Snapshot Format file attachment. This retains the exact formatting of the original Access report you designed, and can be opened/printed without the recipient actually launching Access. Instead the viewer application launches and shows the report in print preview mode.
This is actually for a pool, and there are alot of older recipents who wouldnt really know how to fdownload and install SNapshot viewer. I was hoping for there to be a way to do it so no downloading on their part is necessary. Also, the .rtf isnt formated at all when I tried it.
If you're on a LAN, just download it once, then istall it to the users' PCs.
Or, you could download it once and burn it onto a CD ROM. Install from that. Those are just two suggestions of a number of ways to go about it. But essentially you needn't do a separate download for every single user.
It would be aseperate download, because every user is at a different computer not on a network
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