I am just trying to design a report for bank-transactions.
On that report there is some data that will be read automaticly by banking. That data must be printed very, very precise on the paper. So I tried a bit with courier-new font to have constant-letter width.
Now it appears that in my trial I set the width of the 'textbox' to print more wide than the papersize.
But the preview does show that on the paper.
How is that possible?
I tried a string of 82 characters which should be in courier-10 almost exactly fill teh entire paper.
I am just trying to design a report for bank-transactions.
On that report there is some data that will be read automaticly by banking. That data must be printed very, very precise on the paper. So I tried a bit with courier-new font to have constant-letter width.
Now it appears that in my trial I set the width of the 'textbox' to print more wide than the papersize.
But the preview does show that on the paper.
How is that possible?
I tried a string of 82 characters which should be in courier-10 almost exactly fill teh entire paper.