All Right. I have had it with this problem and hope someone can help me. I stumble through Access as best I can and now I have a problem I can't seem to get my head around.
I have a Form that collects data from 3 other tables (employee info tables) as well as data entered by the user. I figured out, finally, how to get this form to populate a new table with the info gathered and entered on the form. here is what I am basically working with:
with these fields:
ID (key)
Ok, the purpose is to track the persons activity throughout the day by way of coded activities that are input under "Activity". Each activity has a start time, endtime and the duration is calculated by the form and written to the record as a hard number.
Here is where it gets iffy, I need to compare Scheduled Work Time to Actual work time. Scheduled work time is a constant and Actual work time is a time that we get from our phone system that tells us how long someone was on the phone. These two numbers are no problem to compare with Actual time being a percentage of the Scheduled time. The issue arises from changes during the day. If someone has a meeting I need to add time to there Actual time so that it can match Scheduled time. No problem, "Activity" is "MEET" with a start, end and duration. No problem. The problem comes from the fact that there are any number of "Activity" codes that do one of 4 things: add to "Actual time", Subtract from "Actual time", Add to "Scheduled time" or Subtract from "Scheduled time". What I need to do is to seperate "Activity" into these 4 catgories so that I can do the calcs to get a camparison. It would seem easy to do 4 queries with "OR" statements to select only the codes for each category. And it was. But when I try to combine these in a report, Access locks up and won't do the report on 4 queries, and when I just do 3 it gives me no info just headings. I tried crossatb queries but I don't think that is exactly what I am looking for either. I just want to seperate out the codes into the categories they go in, add those together to get a total for the category and then either add or subtract that total from the Actual time or the Scheduled time. Sorry this is so long but I am at my wits end just trying to figure out which direction I should go from this point. Just point me in the right direction and I will limp along from there. But nothing I have tried so far is working. Thanks for any help you can provide.
Also: I related the 4 Queries through the AgentCode field.
I have a Form that collects data from 3 other tables (employee info tables) as well as data entered by the user. I figured out, finally, how to get this form to populate a new table with the info gathered and entered on the form. here is what I am basically working with:
with these fields:
ID (key)
Ok, the purpose is to track the persons activity throughout the day by way of coded activities that are input under "Activity". Each activity has a start time, endtime and the duration is calculated by the form and written to the record as a hard number.
Here is where it gets iffy, I need to compare Scheduled Work Time to Actual work time. Scheduled work time is a constant and Actual work time is a time that we get from our phone system that tells us how long someone was on the phone. These two numbers are no problem to compare with Actual time being a percentage of the Scheduled time. The issue arises from changes during the day. If someone has a meeting I need to add time to there Actual time so that it can match Scheduled time. No problem, "Activity" is "MEET" with a start, end and duration. No problem. The problem comes from the fact that there are any number of "Activity" codes that do one of 4 things: add to "Actual time", Subtract from "Actual time", Add to "Scheduled time" or Subtract from "Scheduled time". What I need to do is to seperate "Activity" into these 4 catgories so that I can do the calcs to get a camparison. It would seem easy to do 4 queries with "OR" statements to select only the codes for each category. And it was. But when I try to combine these in a report, Access locks up and won't do the report on 4 queries, and when I just do 3 it gives me no info just headings. I tried crossatb queries but I don't think that is exactly what I am looking for either. I just want to seperate out the codes into the categories they go in, add those together to get a total for the category and then either add or subtract that total from the Actual time or the Scheduled time. Sorry this is so long but I am at my wits end just trying to figure out which direction I should go from this point. Just point me in the right direction and I will limp along from there. But nothing I have tried so far is working. Thanks for any help you can provide.
Also: I related the 4 Queries through the AgentCode field.