I want to display a welcome message on my Home page in different languages. I want it to cycle through, fading out the previous message as the new one loads in the same position.
You can get a script to do this (that only requires copy/pasting) from DynamicDrive.com.
There are some things to consider before using it on your opening page: You want your traffic to return to your site often. Unless the welcome takes up a very small part of your page and ads almost no load time it will be very annoying to your repeat visitors.
A solution that might work for you (and get more traffic to your site) is on we used at The Wall in the Artist's Cafe (
This site has buttons across the top that say "Welcome" in 5 different languages. Each button leads to the translation of our Welcome Statement in that language. The opening page of the site was also duplicated 5 times and translated into each language then submitted to the search engines (especially those used by European surfers). We gained a good deal of non-American traffic for the site this way and now show artwork from many countries on the site.
Bunni's comment about the traffic is very important. You need you decide if you want repeat visitors, or entertain on a one shot basis. The fading message may take too long before the visitor sees their language is available.
Sites are getting flashier, but I believe the ones that are going to survive are the ones that deliver. Web sites are not really different than brick and morter busineses. Even a personal web site can benefit from repeat trafffic. Know what you want to deliver and concentrate on that.
Montgomery Ward went through many flashy face lifts in the past 25 years, but never made the content improvements that customers needed. I was a manager with them 20 years ago and could see the downward trend at that time. I'm surprised they made it this long.
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