I have a section of code that I'd like to surround with table tags. In order to make the page more readable and make the code more re-usable, I want to make a function to add in the code for the begin and end table tags. The only way I've found out how to do this is the following:<br><br><a name=me><br>All my HTML<br></a><br>...<br><script lang=javascript><br>document.all.me.innerHTML = '<h1>' + document.all.me.innerHTML + '</h1>'<br></script><br><br>That would come out with the text being formatted as a header 1 would be formatted. Well, that would work fine, but on certain occasions, the user may want to have an anchor in that section. When you place an anchor tag w/in another anchor tag, it just kicks out all the rest of the code. So, the window displays fine, but is ended when the first <a> tag (w/in the outer <a> is reached.<br><br>Is there any way I can get around this? Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance. <p>Cid<br><a href=mailto:ciddivine@yahoo.com>ciddivine@yahoo.com</a><br><a href= > </a><br>