I am trying to sort out an inherited program that needs to exist a few more years. The intent is to make the executable contain everything it needs, instead of calling on external image files. Currently, I have:
I understand that I can add the following resources to the VB Resource Editor:
cursor (.CUR), icon (.ICO), bitmap (.BMP), custom (.*)
...and that if the WMF is to go anywhere, it needs to be filed under "custom". So I added he WMF to the VB Resource Editor.
Can anyone point me toward how to call the WMF file from the resources? This does not work...
Image1.Picture = LoadPicture("C:\Demo\image.wmf")
I understand that I can add the following resources to the VB Resource Editor:
cursor (.CUR), icon (.ICO), bitmap (.BMP), custom (.*)
...and that if the WMF is to go anywhere, it needs to be filed under "custom". So I added he WMF to the VB Resource Editor.
Can anyone point me toward how to call the WMF file from the resources? This does not work...
Image1.Picture = LoadResData(101, "CUSTOM")