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Replacing Excel Pivot and MSQuery connection sources using VBA 1

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Mar 23, 2004
We are about to migrate our shared network drives to a new structure that involves the change of the letter ID from J:\ to I:\.

I have written some code to change the connection string on some linked tables in Access using the .connect property and substituting the new path.

However I have an Excel workbook that has several Pivot Tables and MS Queries (almost 20 at last count) in that extract data from a Database on the Shared Drive - I have tried with out sucess to find a way to manipulate the connection property in a similar way using VB.
Does anyone know of a method I Could follow.

We are currently using Excel 97 on an NT platform.

Thanks in advance.

Macro record EDITING your MS Query. Just [Next][Next][Next][Finish]

Post your recorded code, unless you can figger out how to modify the path/data source.

Once modified, run with the new connect string and sql.

For instance, here's some code I have been using
    Dim sConnsect As String, sConnect As String
    With Worksheets(sSheet)
        [Path] = "N:\mfcommon3"
        [DATABASE] = "BlockEff"
        sConnect = "ODBC;" & _
            "DSN=MS Access Database;" & _
            "DBQ=" & [Path] & "\" & [DATABASE] & ".mdb;" & _
            "DefaultDir=N:\mfcommon3\metzgerc;" & _
            "DriverId=25;" & _
            "FIL=MS Access;" & _
            "MaxBufferSize=2048;" & _
        bQuery = True
        Select Case sSheet
            Case "lstProduct"
                squery = "SELECT DISTINCT AggregatedOrders.Product " & _
                    "FROM `" & [Path] & "\" & [DATABASE] & "`.AggregatedOrders AggregatedOrders "
        End Select
        If bQuery Then
            With .Cells(1, 1).CurrentRegion.QueryTable
                .Connection = sConnect
                .CommandText = squery
                .Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
            End With
            NameTableRanges .Name
        End If
    End With


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I have tried to 'play' around with this method - I have tried edition the ".connect" string but don't really understand the Array(array(....))


Sub Macro3()
' Macro3 Macro
' Macro recorded 23/03/04 by SIMON TIMOTHY BURKE

    'This is a sample Query Table
    With Selection.QueryTable
        .Connection = Array(Array( _
        "ODBC;DSN=MS Access 97 Database;DBQ=J:\GLOBCUST\GTS Controls MIS\GTS Controls MIS Secure\OneStopDatabaseMaster.mdb;DefaultDir=H:\MyDo" _
        ), Array("cs\J;DriverId=25;FIL=MS Access;MaxBufferSize=512;PageTimeout=5;"))
        .sql = Array( _
        "SELECT tblMonsterTradesExport.txtResponsibility, tblMonsterTradesExport.Type, tblMonsterTradesExport.`# Standard`, tblMonsterTradesExport.`Value Standard`, tblMonsterTradesExport.`#Standard to 2 mths`" _
        , _
        ", tblMonsterTradesExport.`Value Standard to 2 Mths`, tblMonsterTradesExport.`#2 - 3 Months`, tblMonsterTradesExport.`Value 2-3 Months`, tblMonsterTradesExport.`# 3 Months +`, tblMonsterTradesExport.`V" _
        , _
        "alue 3 Months Plus`" & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & "FROM tblMonsterTradesExport tblMonsterTradesExport" & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & "ORDER BY tblMonsterTradesExport.txtResponsibility, tblMonsterTradesExport.Type" _
        .Refresh False
    End With
    ActiveWindow.SmallScroll ToRight:=44
    ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotSelect "'ITS Eurobonds' '23/01/04'" _
        , xlDataOnly
    'Microsoft Excel turned off the background query option, so that the macro you _
        recorded will run correctly. For more information, see Microsoft Excel Help.
    ActiveSheet.PivotTableWizard BackgroundQuery:=False
End Sub
Loose the array! Here's your data...
    Dim sConnsect As String, sConnect As String
    With Worksheets(sSheet)
        sConnect = "ODBC;" & _
                "DSN=MS Access 97 Database;" & _
                "DBQ=J:\GLOBCUST\GTS Controls MIS\GTS Controls MIS Secure\OneStopDatabaseMaster.mdb;" & _
                "DefaultDir=H:\MyDocs\J;" & _
                "DriverId=25;" & _
                "FIL=MS Access;" & _
                "MaxBufferSize=512;" & _

        bQuery = True
        squery = "SELECT tblMonsterTradesExport.txtResponsibility, " & _
            "tblMonsterTradesExport.Type, tblMonsterTradesExport.`# Standard`, " & _
            "tblMonsterTradesExport.`Value Standard`, " & _
            "tblMonsterTradesExport.`#Standard to 2 mths`, " & _
            "tblMonsterTradesExport.`Value Standard to 2 Mths`, " & _
            "tblMonsterTradesExport.`#2 - 3 Months`, " & _
            "tblMonsterTradesExport.`Value 2-3 Months`, " & _
            "tblMonsterTradesExport.`# 3 Months +`, " & _
            "tblMonsterTradesExport.`Value 3 Months Plus` " & _
            "FROM tblMonsterTradesExport tblMonsterTradesExport " & _
            "ORDER BY tblMonsterTradesExport.txtResponsibility, tblMonsterTradesExport.Type"
        If bQuery Then
            With .Cells(1, 1).CurrentRegion.QueryTable
                .Connection = sConnect
                .CommandText = squery
                .Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
            End With
        End If
    End With


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Thanks for the prompt responce, That looks great for one table.

What I want to do is to loop through each table on the workbook, extract the "DBQ" string and replace the J with an I.

I can handle the string manipulation but I can't seem to return the string to manipulate -

If I can get these than I can inset the variable in the above code.

All of the new paths will be identical, right? See my first post that uses PATH and DATABASE name.

I'd loop thru each query table and put each connect & sql in a sheet named 'DB Parms'
for each ws in worksheets
  for each qt in ws.querytables
    with qt
      sheets("DB Parms").Cells(r, 1).Value = .Connection
      sheets("DB Parms").Cells(r, 2).Value = .CommandText 
      r = r + 1
    end with
update the data and then use to update each qt.


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Great - that looks like the code I was trying to get - a great way to start - many thanks you have saved me several hours work.

With the Pivot Tables that return data from an external source is there a way of doing the same thing - using excel xp I tried the below.

Sub testQery()
Dim r As Integer
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim qt As PivotTable

r = 1
For Each ws In Worksheets
  For Each qt In ws.PivotTables
    With qt
      Sheets("sheet2").Cells(r, 1).Value = .sourcedata
     ' Sheets("sheet2").Cells(r, 2).Value = .CommandText
      r = r + 1
    End With

End Sub

.Sourcedata returns the connection data but I cannot find the SQL string to select the table/data. - do I need this or can I just change the one property?

Also with the pivot table would I use pivottable.refreshtable in the place of your ".refresh backgroundquery=false"

many thanks

For PivotTables, just change the sourcedata.

Yes, refreshtable method.


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Almost there but I am getting an error message with Pivot tables. - I can read the .sourcedata property without problems, write it to a cell and then edit the string ok
However when I try to amend the Pivot tables properties I get an error message "Application-defined or object-defined error"

The below code is the subroutine to renew the links after the details have been amended.
The Querytable section works fine. - what am I doing wrong?

Sub changeconnection()
'reads the information from the worksheet - "Connection Details" and uses them to change the connection details.
    Dim r As Integer
    Dim strConnection As String
    Set wkDestination = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Connection Details")
    For r = 2 To wkDestination.Range("a1").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
        Select Case wkDestination.Cells(r, 1).Value
        Case "PivotTable"
            With wkb.Worksheets(wkDestination.Cells(r, 2).Value).PivotTables(wkDestination.Cells(r, 3).Value)
                strConnection = wkDestination.Cells(r, 4).Value
       [COLOR=black yellow]         .SourceData = strConnection[/color]
            End With
        Case "QueryTable"
            With wkb.Worksheets(wkDestination.Cells(r, 2).Value).QueryTables(wkDestination.Cells(r, 3).Value)
                .Connection = wkDestination.Cells(r, 4).Value
                .Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
            End With
        End Select
    Next r
End Sub

Microsoft Help gives -" External data source - An array. Each row consists of an SQL connection string with the remaining elements as the query string, broken down into 200-character segments."
Is this what I need to do and if so how do I go-about in bearing in mind that I want an general purpose tool to do several workbooks with different connections.

The Pivot Table I am trying has a .sourcedata string of 231 charectars - I can split this but how to create the array?
This is a function that I used back in the XLODBC days since there was a similar limitation on the length of a query.
Function StringToArray(Query As String) As Variant

    Const StrLen = 127 ' Set the maximum string length for
                       ' each element in the array to return
                       ' to 127 characters.
    Dim NumElems As Integer
    Dim Temp() As String
    ' Divide the length of the string Query by StrLen and
    ' add 1 to determine how many elements the String array
    ' Temp should contain, and redimension the Temp array to
    ' contain this number of elements.
    NumElems = (Len(Query) / StrLen) + 1
    ReDim Temp(1 To NumElems) As String
    ' Build the Temp array by sequentially extracting 127
    ' segments of the Query string into each element of the
    ' Temp array.
    For i = 1 To NumElems
       Temp(i) = Mid(Query, ((i - 1) * StrLen) + 1, StrLen)
    Next i
    ' Set the function StringToArray to the Temp array so it
    ' can be returned to the calling procedure.
    StringToArray = Temp

End Function
So use it like this...
.SourceData = StringToArray(strConnection)
Try this and see if it works.


Want to get great answers to your Tek-Tips questions? Have a look at FAQ219-2884
back again!

The stringtoarray function works well in that I can return each of the elements of the array indvidually however I still cannot set .sourcedata property.
This time the error message is -
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access 97 Driver] Invalid SQL statement; expected 'DELETE', 'INSERT', 'PROCEDURE', 'SELECT', or 'UPDATE'.

The only thing that I have changed in the connection string is the drive letter on the DBQ: and DefaultDIR: properties.
Should I be including the full sql statement selecting the tables etc and if so how do I get hold of it?

The Connection string returned is
DSN=MS Access 97 Database;DBQ=J:\Globcust\GTS Controls MIS\GTS Controls MIS Secure\OneStopDatabaseMaster.mdb;DefaultDir=J:\Globcust\GTS Controls MIS\GTS Controls MIS Secure;DriverId=25;FIL=MS Access;MaxBufferSize=512;PageTimeout=5;
Did you check out the SQL? THere may be a reference in there to the source.


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I have got the SQL out of the .sourcedata array

                    sdarray = .SourceData
                    For i = LBound(sdarray) To UBound(sdarray)
                        strSourcedata = strSourcedata & sdarray(i)
                    Next i

                    wkDestination.Cells(r, 4).Value = strSourcedata

I can feed the amended data back into an array but when it comes to
                strConnection = StringToArray(wkDestination.Cells(r, 4).Value)
       [COLOR=black yellow]         .SourceData = strConnection[/color black yellow]
to reload the .source data I think that it is only using the first element of the strConnection array as I am still getting the SQL error message. I have amended the StringtoArray function to ensure that the Select statement starts with in a fresh element of the array - as it does when I "offload" it but this still does not seem to work.

I have tried to explore means of manipulating each element of the .sourcedata array,
While I can identify the number of elements using Ubound(.sourcedata) (3 in the test Pivot) I cannot make reference each element in the same way as normal array;s eg
debug.print .sourcedata(1)
no matter what action i try - reading or writing - to the array in this way I get an error message "Object not a collection".
Do I need to be writing each element to the .sourcedata seperatley? If so is there an alternative way to reference the elements of an array?
Or am I on the wrong track in resolving this?

The connection string is now -
DSN=MS Access 97 Database;DBQ=I:\Globcust\GTS Controls MIS\GTS Controls MIS Secure\OneStopDatabaseMaster.mdb;DefaultDir=I:\Globcust\GTS Controls MIS\GTS Controls MIS Secure;DriverId=25;FIL=MS Access;MaxBufferSize=512;PageTimeout=5;SELECT tblOSTradeHistoryExport.`Report Date`, tblOSTradeHistoryExport.txtResponsibility, tblOSTradeHistoryExport.`Out of Standard`
FROM tblOSTradeHistoryExport tblOSTradeHistoryExport
ORDER BY tblOSTradeHistoryExport.`Report Date`
Your connect string should be
    sConnect = "DSN=MS Access 97 Database;" & _
        "DBQ=I:\Globcust\GTS Controls MIS\GTS Controls MIS Secure\OneStopDatabaseMaster.mdb;" & _
        "DefaultDir=I:\Globcust\GTS Controls MIS\GTS Controls MIS Secure;" & _
        "DriverId=25;" & _
        "FIL=MS Access;" & _
        "MaxBufferSize=512;" & _
Your SQL string should be
    sSQL = "SELECT tblOSTradeHistoryExport.`Report Date`, " & _
        "tblOSTradeHistoryExport.txtResponsibility, " & _
        "tblOSTradeHistoryExport.`Out of Standard` " & _
        "FROM tblOSTradeHistoryExport tblOSTradeHistoryExport " & _
        "ORDER BY tblOSTradeHistoryExport.`Report Date` "


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Got there - but this has created another question.

I tested the method using a shorter path to the Database (c:\) and it worked.
I added the Full database path back in but left the DefaultDIR as c:\ and it still worked.
However if I add any directories to the defaultdir path the method fails with the above SQL error.

I would really love to know if there is a reason for this or is it just one of those "Microsoft things"?
I dunno???

Must be a Microsoft THANG! ;-)


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