Hi again guys!
i think this is the stupidest question you'll ever get because im really new with bash and unix and solaris and all these stuffs! anyway, im trying to show a list of login names only from finger command and instead of the usual one column field of login names, i am required to have it tab delimited. I have this command already but i dont know how to replace carriage return/new line with tab.
finger -qf | cut -f1 -d' '
i dont know what command i should pipe next. help me on this again pls.
i think this is the stupidest question you'll ever get because im really new with bash and unix and solaris and all these stuffs! anyway, im trying to show a list of login names only from finger command and instead of the usual one column field of login names, i am required to have it tab delimited. I have this command already but i dont know how to replace carriage return/new line with tab.
finger -qf | cut -f1 -d' '
i dont know what command i should pipe next. help me on this again pls.