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replacing a double quote 1

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Technical User
Jan 16, 2002
Hi Folks,

I have a textbox. In this text box i have users who insist on using double quotes ("). I want to strip out the double quotes before i write it to the database otherwise it screws up my query.

I've tried the string replace.

value = Replace(value,""","")

but it generates an error.

Anyone have any clue on how to do this???

Hi RhythmAddict112,

I tried that... and it seems to have no effect.

Maybe I should point out that the value people are entering are things like: the error message is "one two buckle my shoe".

How do i strip those two double quotation marks so it doesn't mess up my sql??


Do you always display the strings on the ASP? Then you can use HTMLencode:
value = Server.HTMLEncode(value)

or do this:
value=replace(value, chr(34),""")

Best wishes,

[blue]An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind. - "Mahatma" Mohandas K. Gandhi[/blue]
well double quotes in text boxes/text areas wont affect string statements, as for SQL your big issue will be with single quotes like : "ryan parson's dog"

will break SQL, you will need a replace on the single quotes to fix that, and for giggles i've added the additional double quote handling for "just in case" issues :
[green]' The on error resume next's are just in case you feed the functions a NULL value or something odd it doesn't like in the replace function [/green]

Function SQLQuotes(StringValue)
On Error Resume Next
    SQLQuotes = Trim(Replace(StringValue,"'","''"))
End Function

Function AllQuotes(StringValue)
On Error Resume Next
'chr(34) is standard double quote
    AllQuotes = Trim(Replace(Replace(StringValue,Chr(34),Chr(34) & Chr(34)),"'","''"))
End Function

aKa - Robert
if all else fails, light it on fire and do the happy dance!
Garabaldi, I don't think you actually tried what RhythmAddict suggested... you example has three double-quotes in a row in the first part of the replace, but RA's has four, the correct number. And it most definitely will replace actual double-quotes with nothing.

It's possible that your users are copying and pasting text from a word processor, in which case you might have curly left-quotes and curly right-quotes in there, totally different ASCII characters.
Drexor why do use on resume next over
Function sq(stext)
 If sText <> "" then sq = Replace(stext,"'","''")
End Function 

                    ASP WEB DEVELOPMENT
saves typing? :)

aKa - Robert
if all else fails, light it on fire and do the happy dance!
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