I have two DC's and yesterday one of them blue screened and I havnt been able to get it to boot again. It was within a few days of being replaced though so I have its replacement in place and ready to configure. I want to configure the new server with the same name and IP addresses, etc. that the old server had. I dont have the option of gracefully demoting the old DC. What I'm wondering is if there could be any problems with bringing up the new machine with the same name and all as the old dead machine? There's two DC's on this domain, both of them running their own dns and pointing to each other's dns. The one DC that is still alive was the first DC in the forest.
Does anybody know of any reason why this wont work or have any other suggestions about getting this new DC in place?
Does anybody know of any reason why this wont work or have any other suggestions about getting this new DC in place?