In the format property of the control being printed, enter a # symbol. This should suppress zeros. Check the online help associated with this property for more info,
Other suggestion is the format property (again). It can be divided into three parts, depending if the number is positive, negative or zero I think. What you want to do is apply separate formatting strings, dependent on the above. Again, check online help for further details,
jnix try this:
under format there are 4 possible choices positive, negative, zero, and null enter each choice as you would like. For currency try this:
This would be your format for all 4 types: positive, negative, zero, and null. To replace the zero with blanks try this:
Try this:
Sometimes it is easier to create an Unbound Text Box and use the original bound text box in the statement. Then you can go to Properties, Format in the original text box and enter No in Visible.
If the original text box is called [Field1], in the Unbound Text Box, Properties,Data, Control Source,try this:
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