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Replace with or Replace by 1

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Mar 4, 2002
In a previous thread, I made the following statement:
CajunCenturion said:
I think you'll find that 'regardless' cannot be replaced with 'anyway', and that 'anyway' cannot be replaced with 'regardless'. On the other hand, 'nevertheless', can be replaced with either one.
As I was writing that statement, I wasn't sure if 'replace with' was correct, or if 'replaced by' was correct. Since then, I have checked a number of sources, both on and off-line, and have yet to find a reasonable answer.
Would anyone like to offer any help?

Good Luck
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As a circle of light increases so does the circumference of darkness around it. - Albert Einstein
I think "replace with" expects the replacement object. As in "Replace with a newer window".

"Replace by" expects the method used to do the replacement. As in "Replace by hand".

Thank you for the input Dimandja. Although I'm not sure it works in all cases, it is something to think about.

Good Luck
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As a circle of light increases so does the circumference of darkness around it. - Albert Einstein
I think the word choice depends on some other words, including the subject and sentence structure:

You can replace x with y.
X can be replaced by y.

The way you word these two phrases imply different things.

'replace with'
This implies the action has not taken place yet.

'replaced by'
This implies the action has already taken place.

Mike Barone
FREE CGI/Perl Scripts & JavaScript Generators
MikeBarone - Like the object/method suggestion, that doesn't work in all cases.

Colin Powell will be replaced by Dr. Rice as Secretary of State if she is confirmed.

Bill Clinton was replaced by George W. Bush as President.

Good Luck
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As a circle of light increases so does the circumference of darkness around it. - Albert Einstein
Dimandja postulated that "Replace by" expects the method used to do the replacement.

I don't believe that is true, but perhaps only because the relationship is backwards. Replace by does not expect the method (see example in previous post), but does a method of replacement expect replace by?

Any thoughts?

Good Luck
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As a circle of light increases so does the circumference of darkness around it. - Albert Einstein
>Dimandja postulated...

Actually, I didn't postulate anything. I said I think...; hardly a postulate.

>Replace by does not expect the method (see example in previous post...

Those examples worked because replaced was used: note the tense used in those examples.
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