Hi Fox Experts,
Hope everyone is still doing well. Thanks for all the help. I am learning and saving time. Very appreciated.
I have a workable replace statement as shown below.
REPLACE ALL contract.pymt_ddate WITH GOMONTH(Contract.pymt_ddate,360) FOR BETWEEN(contract.pymt_ddate, {21/03/2020}, {31/12/2025}) AND LEFT(Contract.acctno,3)="219" AND contract.bal_due > 0 AND RIGHT(contract.dqstatus,2) <> "LY"
I want to add a 2nd date field to the Replace statement
Same 360 months
same criteria
I think the start is REPLACE ALL contract.pymt_ddate, contract.last_due WITH
Not sure how to modify GOMONTH(Contract.pymt_ddate,360)
Thank you,
Hope everyone is still doing well. Thanks for all the help. I am learning and saving time. Very appreciated.
I have a workable replace statement as shown below.
REPLACE ALL contract.pymt_ddate WITH GOMONTH(Contract.pymt_ddate,360) FOR BETWEEN(contract.pymt_ddate, {21/03/2020}, {31/12/2025}) AND LEFT(Contract.acctno,3)="219" AND contract.bal_due > 0 AND RIGHT(contract.dqstatus,2) <> "LY"
I want to add a 2nd date field to the Replace statement
Same 360 months
same criteria
I think the start is REPLACE ALL contract.pymt_ddate, contract.last_due WITH
Not sure how to modify GOMONTH(Contract.pymt_ddate,360)
Thank you,