I'm wondering if anyone has some insight to this issue:
I would like to replace some characters in the text within a memo field.
Here is an example of the data:
Call Date: 08/01/2006 Call Recorded: 07:31:25 AM
Contact Name: John Doe
Time to Call: 07:00-08:00
I would like to replace the ":" sign in "07:00-08:00" with "_".
The reason is, that I'm parsing through the memo field and using the ":" signs as delimiters. The issue with the "Time to Call:" entry is that data can be entered other ways ie.
Time to Call: 7-8
Time to Call: 9am-5pm
The rest of the structure in the memo is fine. I'm wondering if it is possible to search for a set number of characters after a string and do a replace? For example: replace any instances of ":" within 15 characters after "Time to Call:".
Your thoughts and help will be appreciated.
I'm wondering if anyone has some insight to this issue:
I would like to replace some characters in the text within a memo field.
Here is an example of the data:
Call Date: 08/01/2006 Call Recorded: 07:31:25 AM
Contact Name: John Doe
Time to Call: 07:00-08:00
I would like to replace the ":" sign in "07:00-08:00" with "_".
The reason is, that I'm parsing through the memo field and using the ":" signs as delimiters. The issue with the "Time to Call:" entry is that data can be entered other ways ie.
Time to Call: 7-8
Time to Call: 9am-5pm
The rest of the structure in the memo is fine. I'm wondering if it is possible to search for a set number of characters after a string and do a replace? For example: replace any instances of ":" within 15 characters after "Time to Call:".
Your thoughts and help will be appreciated.