we have a product with the following code. How can I edit it so it uses CDONTS and not JMAIL
Function SendEmail(sTo, sFrom, sSubject, sBody)
on error resume next
Set objMsg = Server.CreateObject("JMail.Message")
objMsg.AddRecipient sTo
objMsg.From = sFrom
objMsg.Subject = sSubject
objMsg.Body = sBody
objMsg.Silent = true
objMsg.Logging = true
if not objmsg.Send(Application("MailServer")) then
Response.Write "Email To : " & sTo & "<br>"
Response.Write "Email From : " & sFrom & "<br>"
Response.Write "Email subject : " & sSubject & "<br>"
Response.Write "Email body : <pre>" & sBody & "</pre><br><br>"
Response.write "<pre>" & objmsg.log & "</pre>"
Response.Redirect("main.asp?page=" & strNPage)
end if
End Function
we have a product with the following code. How can I edit it so it uses CDONTS and not JMAIL
Function SendEmail(sTo, sFrom, sSubject, sBody)
on error resume next
Set objMsg = Server.CreateObject("JMail.Message")
objMsg.AddRecipient sTo
objMsg.From = sFrom
objMsg.Subject = sSubject
objMsg.Body = sBody
objMsg.Silent = true
objMsg.Logging = true
if not objmsg.Send(Application("MailServer")) then
Response.Write "Email To : " & sTo & "<br>"
Response.Write "Email From : " & sFrom & "<br>"
Response.Write "Email subject : " & sSubject & "<br>"
Response.Write "Email body : <pre>" & sBody & "</pre><br><br>"
Response.write "<pre>" & objmsg.log & "</pre>"
Response.Redirect("main.asp?page=" & strNPage)
end if
End Function