Card (CardID, CardName):
1 Ace
2 Jack
3 Seven
4 Ten
Then, conceptually, deck #1 has 3 cards in it: an ace and two jacks. Deck #2 has 5 cards in it: a seven and four tens. I need a query that will allow me to return a list of cards in a given deck. So, a query on deck #1 would return:
And on deck #2:
A kludgey way of doing this (and the way I'm doing it right now) would be to use UNION ALL, as follows (pseudo-SQL):
get all cards in decks that have a count >= 1
get all cards in decks that have a count >= 2
get all cards in decks that have a count >= 3
Unfortunately, this only works if you have a reasonably bounded count. I would like a general way to do this.
select CardName, Count from DeckCard inner join Card on Card.CardID = DeckCard.CardID where DeckCard.DeckID in(select DeckID from Deck where DeckName=NameWhatYouAreLookingFor) John Fill
Hi Sacham.
This is my weak attempt to get the exact results you requested. I'd be open for other options if I were you though...
I would create a stored procedure that reorganizes the cards in a temporary table (if you are using SQL2000, use the table datatype as shown below, otherwise, use tempdb) and spits them back out as you have defined above. Here's my code:
create procedure usp_get_cards
@deckid int
set nocount on
declare @cardquery table
(cardname varchar(25))
declare @cardcount tinyint
declare @cardid tinyint
declare cur_card cursor for
select cardid
from deckcard
where deckid = @deckid
open cur_card
fetch next from cur_card into @cardid
while @@fetch_status = 0
set @cardcount = 1
while @cardcount <= (select [count] from deckcard where cardid = @cardid and deckid = @deckid)
insert into @cardquery
select cardname
from deckcard dc inner join
card c on
dc.cardid = c.cardid
where dc.deckid = @deckid and
c.cardid = @cardid
set @cardcount = @cardcount + 1
fetch next from cur_card into @cardid
close cur_card
deallocate cur_card
select cardname from @cardquery
then call the sp like this:
usp_get_cards 1
usp_get_cards 2
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