This calling of mine keep displaying a result, which I know for sure only 1 data, again and again and again for pages. Could someone tell me where I went wrong here:
mySQL = "SELECT b.idOrder " _
& "FROM customer a, cartHead b " _
& "WHERE a.idCust = b.idCust " _
& " AND a.tempCust = 'Y'"
set rs = openRSexecute(mySQL)
do while not rs.eof
response.write rs("idOrder") & "<BR>"
call closeRS(rs)
This calling of mine keep displaying a result, which I know for sure only 1 data, again and again and again for pages. Could someone tell me where I went wrong here:
mySQL = "SELECT b.idOrder " _
& "FROM customer a, cartHead b " _
& "WHERE a.idCust = b.idCust " _
& " AND a.tempCust = 'Y'"
set rs = openRSexecute(mySQL)
do while not rs.eof
response.write rs("idOrder") & "<BR>"
call closeRS(rs)