I have a continuous form that the numlock key toggles on as I tab between records. Sometimes decompiling the file and compiling fixes it but sometimes I have to jigger around in code and compile to get it to behave. This keeps coming up as the form is transferred to new FE's when a FE and BE pair is generated out of a central system based on specific purpose (walking the proprietary/non-proprietary line here).
That said this particular form has a 0 width control on it...
The issue to my best recollection started occuring after using the above workaround.
Any thoughts on repeated compiled code issues or alternatives to my Sendkeys?
That said this particular form has a 0 width control on it...
Private Sub txtTabStop_GotFocus()
'This visible behind not seen control is needed for the record to receive focus when all data entry controls are disabled with conditional formatting
'Otherwise the focus jumps to something like the close button in the footer instead of the next record
SendKeys "{TAB}" 'Tab to next enabled control or record
End Sub
The issue to my best recollection started occuring after using the above workaround.
Any thoughts on repeated compiled code issues or alternatives to my Sendkeys?