I have a report with a detail section. In my detail
section, I'm displaying a list of books by serial numbers. The serial numbers have a prefix and suffix. For example, I'll have serial numbers like 1-100, 1-200, etc. Eventually the prefix of the serial numbers increments to 2-100, for example.
I have a groupheader before the detail section. I
want this to repeat when my detail section goes onto
a second page (I have labels there I want to display). If I set the RepeatSection Property to true, the groupheader does display on my second page.
So, this part is working. However, the problem
is that whenever the serial number
prefix increments (as I was mentioning above), the
group header is displayed. So, I sometimes
have the group header displayed 3 or 4 times
on the same page. I assume it's doing this becuase it must interpret the serial number prefix changes as a new section or. Anyways, I only want the groupheader to be
displayed at the top of every page (not everytime my
serial number prefix changes).
Anyways, has anyone ever run into anything like this before and have a solution/recommendation.
I have a report with a detail section. In my detail
section, I'm displaying a list of books by serial numbers. The serial numbers have a prefix and suffix. For example, I'll have serial numbers like 1-100, 1-200, etc. Eventually the prefix of the serial numbers increments to 2-100, for example.
I have a groupheader before the detail section. I
want this to repeat when my detail section goes onto
a second page (I have labels there I want to display). If I set the RepeatSection Property to true, the groupheader does display on my second page.
So, this part is working. However, the problem
is that whenever the serial number
prefix increments (as I was mentioning above), the
group header is displayed. So, I sometimes
have the group header displayed 3 or 4 times
on the same page. I assume it's doing this becuase it must interpret the serial number prefix changes as a new section or. Anyways, I only want the groupheader to be
displayed at the top of every page (not everytime my
serial number prefix changes).
Anyways, has anyone ever run into anything like this before and have a solution/recommendation.