Hello, I have the trigger for renumbering values in a numeric field. It is a non-PK int column. Here is the trigger:
So now, there is one more criteria (field value) I need to base the renumbering on, a Rating field:
numField Rating
1 985
2 845
3 748
4 647
5 536
So, as you can see the list is sorted by numField ASC and Rating DESC. So, the needed behavior is, if the Rating value changes, the numField changes along with it, according to how the Rating is ordered. You can assume these are all sequential to begin with and never any duplicates. If say for instance, (numField) with value of 3 has a Rating that is updated to be > 2, then this record becomes 2 and 2 becomes 3. Likewise, if 3 has a Rating that is updated to be < 4 then this record becomes 4 and 4 becomes 3. If a new record is entered, then its Rating (and therefore its numField value, need to be ordered within the existing list accordingly, with the list sorted by numField ASC and Rating DESC (the higher the Rating the lower the numField number). What I'm having trouble getting my head around is that this applies to other records above and below - i.e. if 3 < 5 this value becomes 5 and 5 becomes 4.
Do you think it would be possible to add this to my trigger? If not, could someone suggest another way to handle renumbering the numField value according to the Rating? Hope this makes sense.
Thank you,
CREATE TRIGGER dbo.trgUpdateNumField ON tblProjects FOR UPDATE
DECLARE @curValue as varchar
DECLARE @preValue as varchar
SET @curValue = (SELECT numField FROM INSERTED)
SET @preValue = (SELECT numField FROM DELETED)
IF (@curValue <> @preValue)
create table #temp1
[AutoID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[numField] int
insert into #temp1
select numField
from tblProjects
where numField <> 0 and numProjID <> 1
order by numField
select * from #temp1
update tblProjects
set tblProjects.numField = #temp1.AutoID
from tblProjects inner join #temp1 on
tblProjects.numField = #temp1.numField
drop table #temp1
numField Rating
1 985
2 845
3 748
4 647
5 536
So, as you can see the list is sorted by numField ASC and Rating DESC. So, the needed behavior is, if the Rating value changes, the numField changes along with it, according to how the Rating is ordered. You can assume these are all sequential to begin with and never any duplicates. If say for instance, (numField) with value of 3 has a Rating that is updated to be > 2, then this record becomes 2 and 2 becomes 3. Likewise, if 3 has a Rating that is updated to be < 4 then this record becomes 4 and 4 becomes 3. If a new record is entered, then its Rating (and therefore its numField value, need to be ordered within the existing list accordingly, with the list sorted by numField ASC and Rating DESC (the higher the Rating the lower the numField number). What I'm having trouble getting my head around is that this applies to other records above and below - i.e. if 3 < 5 this value becomes 5 and 5 becomes 4.
Do you think it would be possible to add this to my trigger? If not, could someone suggest another way to handle renumbering the numField value according to the Rating? Hope this makes sense.
Thank you,