I am struggling trying to understand somebody’s code:
DATA OUT.&model._TOS; set ETG_2005.&model._IP_NEW (rename=(etg_amt_eqv=&model._IP) IN=A)
I am confused what renamed into what in this peace of code. First I assumed that =&model._IP was renamed into =&model._IP_new .
However it looks like etg_amt_eqv is also envolved…
Next I assumed that &model._ip was renamed into etg_amt_eqv before data step processed …however .&model._IP_NEW never existed before
So…my question is :what is going on in this code? Could you please help me with that?
Thank you!
DATA OUT.&model._TOS; set ETG_2005.&model._IP_NEW (rename=(etg_amt_eqv=&model._IP) IN=A)
I am confused what renamed into what in this peace of code. First I assumed that =&model._IP was renamed into =&model._IP_new .
However it looks like etg_amt_eqv is also envolved…
Next I assumed that &model._ip was renamed into etg_amt_eqv before data step processed …however .&model._IP_NEW never existed before
So…my question is :what is going on in this code? Could you please help me with that?
Thank you!