I renamed a file to What I was trying to do was rename another one with all teh field info in it. Right after I did that, I realized what I did, and changed the name back to "" jsut like it was less than 30 seconds before. I go to log in to test it (knowing something would happen like this), and I get the 404. I didn't change anything in that file. I DLed it and looked at it, and I realized it was 5300 lines long, I almost fell out of the chair. I haven't messed with that file, other than changing the name and then changing it right back.
I did change the name of the file I wanted to change, uplaoded the new one with the fewer lines (it's for fields, like name, age, bla, bla. It was from another website that was put here, and all it needed were a few less fields because they didn't apply to this site.) Any way, it was working ealier, and it's not now.
So the question is: By renaming a .pl file in the cgi-bin, and then changing the name back, have I instigated some sort of security thing that is preventing the script from running? Or does that kind of stuff just happen like that?
Thaks for the help, if you can't tell by now, I am now to cgi's and oblivious to perl and unix. Hope I was of some help...
Thanks for the help...
I did change the name of the file I wanted to change, uplaoded the new one with the fewer lines (it's for fields, like name, age, bla, bla. It was from another website that was put here, and all it needed were a few less fields because they didn't apply to this site.) Any way, it was working ealier, and it's not now.
So the question is: By renaming a .pl file in the cgi-bin, and then changing the name back, have I instigated some sort of security thing that is preventing the script from running? Or does that kind of stuff just happen like that?
Thaks for the help, if you can't tell by now, I am now to cgi's and oblivious to perl and unix. Hope I was of some help...
Thanks for the help...