I have a multiline textbox for entering an address, which gets pasted into multiple cells. On my home machine, this works fine, but on the work machine, this strange unicode looking character appears at the end of each line:
Here's the code I use to break down the address into multiple cells:
How do I make this unicode not paste into the cell?

Here's the code I use to break down the address into multiple cells:
Dim Str As String, a
Dim cnt As Integer
Dim w()
Dim k As Integer
'Customer address
Str = textCustomerAddress.Value
a = Chr(10)
cnt = UBound(Split(Str, a))
ReDim w(1 To cnt + 1, 1 To 1)
For k = 0 To cnt
w(k + 1, 1) = Split(Str, Chr(10))(k)
Next k
.Range("B8").Resize(k, 1) = w
How do I make this unicode not paste into the cell?