How could I change this bit of code and use CSS rather than the font tags?
<font color="#0000CC"><%<br>
Function getFileName()<br>
</font><font color="#0000CC">Dim lsPath, arPath<br>
lsPath = Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME"
arPath = Split(lsPath, "/"
<font color="#009933"> ' split path into array and grab last item for file name</font><br>
getFileName = arPath(UBound(arPath,1))<br>
End Function</font></p>
<p><font color="#0000CC"> Dim sFileName<br>
sFileName = getFileName() <font color="#009933">' get scripts file name</font> <br>
response.write sFileName<br>
%> </font>
<font color="#0000CC"><%<br>
Function getFileName()<br>
</font><font color="#0000CC">Dim lsPath, arPath<br>
lsPath = Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME"
arPath = Split(lsPath, "/"
getFileName = arPath(UBound(arPath,1))<br>
End Function</font></p>
<p><font color="#0000CC"> Dim sFileName<br>
sFileName = getFileName() <font color="#009933">' get scripts file name</font> <br>
response.write sFileName<br>
%> </font>