I'm a awk virgin, however a system we have in place already uses this program with other scripts. I'm needing a command to remove all non-ascii characters from a 180mb .txt file.
One of the commands is this:
gawk -f scpfiles\Test.scp TEST.TXT > TEST.list
Which points to this script file:
gsub(/ */," ",rest)
gsub(/ ,/,",",rest)
printf"%s%s\n", plate,rest
I'd like a simple command if possible, but either way I'd be very appreciative for any assistance. Thanks!
Okay, I just realized gawk.exe and the above script is used to remove certain information from the file, I still need something using awk.exe or if possible gawk.exe to remove non-ascii characters. Sorry in advance for being a dumbass.
One of the commands is this:
gawk -f scpfiles\Test.scp TEST.TXT > TEST.list
Which points to this script file:
gsub(/ */," ",rest)
gsub(/ ,/,",",rest)
printf"%s%s\n", plate,rest
I'd like a simple command if possible, but either way I'd be very appreciative for any assistance. Thanks!
Okay, I just realized gawk.exe and the above script is used to remove certain information from the file, I still need something using awk.exe or if possible gawk.exe to remove non-ascii characters. Sorry in advance for being a dumbass.