I've got two Networked Magix connected via a T1 PTP circuit, and they share one Amanda 8 port Windows Voice Mail which is connected to one Analog Card.
We are replacing the Magix that has the Amanda VM with a Cisco solution. Now I need to move the Amanda to the other location that still has the Magix since the two Magix will no longer be networked.
The question is what is the best procedure for "Undoing" Centralized Voice Mail on the Magix that did not have the Amanda physically connected to it?
I assume I need to remove the Ring Group 770 from going over the network (UDP extensions), then add the new Analog card, renumber the boards, then add the new 4 digit extensions to the ring group.
Anyone have any better ideas on the quick way to move this Amanda to the Remote Magix?
Thanx a bunch!
John Berry, Owner
Lantex Voice & Data Systems
San Diego, Ca
Business Telephones, Cabling, VOIP, Access Control, and more!
We are replacing the Magix that has the Amanda VM with a Cisco solution. Now I need to move the Amanda to the other location that still has the Magix since the two Magix will no longer be networked.
The question is what is the best procedure for "Undoing" Centralized Voice Mail on the Magix that did not have the Amanda physically connected to it?
I assume I need to remove the Ring Group 770 from going over the network (UDP extensions), then add the new Analog card, renumber the boards, then add the new 4 digit extensions to the ring group.
Anyone have any better ideas on the quick way to move this Amanda to the Remote Magix?
Thanx a bunch!
John Berry, Owner
Lantex Voice & Data Systems
San Diego, Ca
Business Telephones, Cabling, VOIP, Access Control, and more!