Oct 15, 2001 #1 neos Programmer Oct 28, 2000 36 CA hey, i just upgraded to ximian gnome 1.4, and im using nautilus as my desktop manager. how do i get rid of gmc for good? i want no trace of it left!
hey, i just upgraded to ximian gnome 1.4, and im using nautilus as my desktop manager. how do i get rid of gmc for good? i want no trace of it left!
Oct 15, 2001 #2 ifincham IS-IT--Management Jul 11, 2001 1,768 GB Hi, You would just uninstall by doing (as root from a terminal window) : rpm -e gmc If you want to test the command first but not actually do it you can do : rpm -ev --test gmc If it just comes back with a prompt then there are no dependency issues detected. Regards Upvote 0 Downvote
Hi, You would just uninstall by doing (as root from a terminal window) : rpm -e gmc If you want to test the command first but not actually do it you can do : rpm -ev --test gmc If it just comes back with a prompt then there are no dependency issues detected. Regards