Hi there,
I have a text file of the following format
Is there a way in Mysql to remove the quotes in the 3rd fiend before importing it?
So far, im using the code
but it is importing the " as well.
I have a text file of the following format
1211|d|"http:[URL unfurl="true"]www.abc.com"[/URL]
1211|d|"http:[URL unfurl="true"]www.abc.com"[/URL]
1211|d|"http:[URL unfurl="true"]www.abc.com"[/URL]
1211|d|"http:[URL unfurl="true"]www.abc.com"[/URL]
Is there a way in Mysql to remove the quotes in the 3rd fiend before importing it?
So far, im using the code
mysql > load data local infile '/home/kkohakur/Hotel_All_Active07-05-05.csv'
-> into table hotelinfo
-> fields terminated by ','
-> lines terminated by '\n'