Hi all,
I am having issues properly identifying the end of a string I am parsing into an array because of multiple new line strokes. I am properly identifying it ending on a "space" and not mid word, but because of the Chr$(10) check I have when it hits a double enter it assumes the note has finished.
I figured the easiest way around this is using a custom function ->
To remove it, but it appears in the CSV the enter strokes are registered as Chr$10, not Chr$13 for carriage return, so I'm having a brutal time clearing them out. Here's where it's doing the work of storing the lines of the string into an array (no more than 64 chars per entry).
Any help would be super appreciated, it's been bugging me a while.
I am having issues properly identifying the end of a string I am parsing into an array because of multiple new line strokes. I am properly identifying it ending on a "space" and not mid word, but because of the Chr$(10) check I have when it hits a double enter it assumes the note has finished.
I figured the easiest way around this is using a custom function ->
Function RemoveChars(strText As String, strUnwanted As String) As String
Dim TempStr, CurChar As String
Dim x As Integer
For x = 1 To Len(strText)
CurChar = Mid(strText, x, 1)
If InStr(strUnwanted, CurChar) = 0 Then TempStr = TempStr & CurChar
Next x
RemoveChars = TempStr
End Function
To remove it, but it appears in the CSV the enter strokes are registered as Chr$10, not Chr$13 for carriage return, so I'm having a brutal time clearing them out. Here's where it's doing the work of storing the lines of the string into an array (no more than 64 chars per entry).
Any help would be super appreciated, it's been bugging me a while.
While GetField(sInput,sNoteArrayCnt+1, Chr$(10)) <> ""
Redim Preserve sNoteArray(sNoteArrayCnt)
sNoteArray(sNoteArrayCnt) = GetField$(sInput,sNoteArrayCnt+1, Chr$(10))
sNoteArrayCnt = sNoteArrayCnt + 1
ReDim fNoteArray(0)
For i = LBound(sNoteArray) To UBound(sNoteArray)
arrayItem = sNoteArray(i)
Do While (Len(arrayItem)>0)
temp = Left$(arrayItem,64)
If(Trim$(Right$(temp,1)) = "" Or Trim$(Mid$(arrayItem,64,1))="") Then
If(k<>0) Then
ReDim Preserve fNoteArray(UBound(fNoteArray) + 1)
End If
fNoteArray(UBound(fNoteArray)) = RTrim$(temp)
arrayItem = Trim$(Mid$(arrayItem, 64))
k = k + 1
trimLength = 0
Do While(Mid$(temp,len(temp)-trimlength,1) <> " ")
trimLength = trimLength + 1
temp = Mid$(temp, 1, Len(temp) - trimLength - 1)
If (k <> 0) Then
ReDim Preserve fNoteArray(UBound(fNoteArray) + 1)
End If
fNoteArray(UBound(fNoteArray)) = RTrim$(temp)
arrayItem = trim$(Mid$(arrayItem, Len(temp)+1))
k = k + 1
End If
For x = 0 To UBound(fNoteArray)
FixedNote = fNoteArray(x)
FixedNote = RemoveChars(FixedNote, Chr$(9))
FixedNote = LTRIM(FixedNote)
Print #2, FixedNote