I imported some data into an Access table but one of the fields is goofed up. It's supposed to be a diagnosis code but for some reason it came out with random blanks in the field. For example, "abcde" might be "ab cde" one time and "a bc de" another time. I asked if they could re-run without the blanks but the people I'm getting the data from are not too computer literate so this is as good as it will get.
Is there a simple command, like "compress", that squeezes all of the blanks out of a field? I could write a series of instr queries to break apart on blanks and recombine the parts, but it seems like there should be an easy way to do this.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Is there a simple command, like "compress", that squeezes all of the blanks out of a field? I could write a series of instr queries to break apart on blanks and recombine the parts, but it seems like there should be an easy way to do this.
Thanks in advance for any help.