Can you select the watermark using the Touch-up Object tool? (That's the name of the tool in Acrobat 5. I don't remember whether it had the same name in v. 4)
That is an excellent idea, but I don't think it isn't very usefull specially if you have a document with 3,575 pages. is it the only way to do so, one by one?
Holy crap! I should say that's not an optimal solution.
I don't know of any other option, but there people out there a lot smarter than I. You might check the forums at Planet PDF and Adobe if you don't get an answer here.
Water marks are put in a PDF for a reason - specifically so that anyone without access to the original file it was created from can't mess with the PDF!
Unless you can get access to the original file, (from which the PDF can be re-generated without the watermark) then it's a one page at a time job, I think.
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