I have modified an existing database for a new application comprising just one form and one report. The original application printed to a specific printer, I require the new application to print to my default printer.
I have done File/Page Setup/Page for the form and changed specific printer to default. The report was already set to default printer.
When I print the report from a button on the form using Docmd.OpenReport it tries to print to the old specific printer rather than my default. (It cannot print to the old printer as that no longer exists.) If I set the form and report specific printer option to my default printer it still tries to print to the old specific printer.
I have searched the code for any reference to the old printer name but can't find any. Is there any other place where the old specific printer could still be defined.
Many Thanks
I have done File/Page Setup/Page for the form and changed specific printer to default. The report was already set to default printer.
When I print the report from a button on the form using Docmd.OpenReport it tries to print to the old specific printer rather than my default. (It cannot print to the old printer as that no longer exists.) If I set the form and report specific printer option to my default printer it still tries to print to the old specific printer.
I have searched the code for any reference to the old printer name but can't find any. Is there any other place where the old specific printer could still be defined.
Many Thanks