What I'm trying to do is make a script in VB that will be a startup script that launches IE and navigates to a certain webpage on our intranet. The machine is only for viewing a certain webpage.
Here's my problem. How do I:
A) Maximize the IE screen? Windows like to make them tiny.
B) Remove the Maximize, Minimize, and Close buttons at the top right of IE? As this machine is only for wiewing this one page, don't want them closing the instance of IE.
Here is the code I currently am using to launch the page.
As you can see, it is simple and straight forward. I have it getting rid of the toolbar, menubar, and statusbar.
Here's my problem. How do I:
A) Maximize the IE screen? Windows like to make them tiny.
B) Remove the Maximize, Minimize, and Close buttons at the top right of IE? As this machine is only for wiewing this one page, don't want them closing the instance of IE.
Here is the code I currently am using to launch the page.
set x = createobject("internetexplorer.application")
x.navigate2 "Web page path" : x.toolbar = false _
: x.menubar = false : x.statusbar = false : x.visible = True
set x = nothing
As you can see, it is simple and straight forward. I have it getting rid of the toolbar, menubar, and statusbar.