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Remove Spaces in UNIX generated csv file. 1

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Jan 10, 2002
I am generating a csv file via unix. The file is bening generated via Oracle SQL. The csv output for some reason has a chunk of space. I have tried using sed to remove the space but it does not work. I'm not very good with sed. Any help will be appreciated.
I have enclosed the file.
2672,joe.bloggs@hotmail.com,First Name,mary^M2672,joe.bloggs@hotmail.com,Last Name,jane^M2672,joe.bloggs@hotmail.
com,known As,^M2672,joe.bloggs@hotmail.com,Start Date,01-JUN-98^M2672,joe.bloggs@hotmail.com,Cost Code,BC15^M2672,joe.
bloggs@hotmail.com,Division Code^M,BC00^M2672,
joe.bloggs@hotmail.com,Business Unit,B000^M2672,joe.bloggs@hotmail.com,Supervisor First Name,joe^M2672,joe.bloggs@
hotmail.com,Supervisor Last Name,bloggs^M^M

The carriage returns are added deliberatly for data format

Where are the spaces there ? What [tt]sed[/tt] command tried and what means that "does not work". You may try the [tt]tr[/tt] command too. Theoretically :
sed 's/ *//g' inputfile > outputfile
[gray]# or[/gray]
tr -d ' ' < inputfile > outputfile
This will remove all spaces. Anyway, you did not say about exceptions. But try this way too, maybe is closer to what you want :
sed 's/ \+/ /g' inputfile > outputfile

Thanks for the reply. The extract of the file is the one that I have enclosed. Counting, after the 5th line, there is a space after the comma. This is the way the file is generated and it shouldn't be. As the SQL code does it correctly if I run it outside of unix. I would like to get rid of the space. The ideas given have not yet helped me in achieving my aim, so that the extract wraps continuosly. I thought sed will be able to do this for me. Any more ideas will be much appreciated.
[tt]sed 's!, *!,!g' /path/to/input > output[/tt]

Hope This Helps, PH.
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Thanks for all the input. But I'm not getting the desired result when I view via CSV in excel. What I desire is this:

2672,joe.bloggs@hotmail.com,First Name,mary^M2672,joe.bloggs@hotmail.com,Last Name,jane^M2672,joe.bloggs@hotmail.com,known As,^M2672,joe.bloggs@hotmail.com,Start Date,01-JUN 98^M2672,joe.bloggs@hotmail.com,Cost Code,BC15^M2672,joe.
bloggs@hotmail.com,Division Code^M,BC00^M2672,joe.bloggs@hotmail.com,Business Unit,B000^M2672,joe.bloggs@hotmail.com,Supervisor First Name,joe^M2672,joe.bloggs@hotmail.com,Supervisor Last Name,bloggs^M^M

Hope this helps. Thanks once again.

Are you sure, there are space characters ? I think that lines are wrapped. In which case you can concatenate the lines where the last character is the separator, with the next line :
sed '/,$/{N;s/\n//}' inputfile > outputfile

Thanks. But I got the following error:
sed: command garbled: /,$/{N;s/\n//} - Any ideas?
I really appreciate the fact that you keep coming up with very good ideas, but the awk i just tried did not work. I got the following error:

awk '/,$/{l=$0;next}l{$0=l $0;l=""}1' CBT_25102005.csv > CBT_25102005.nocsv
awk: syntax error near line 1
awk: bailing out near line 1

Any more ideas?
Thanks a lot
^M is oracles way of saying 'new line', so I guess this is more readable:
2672,joe.bloggs@hotmail.com,First Name,mary
2672,joe.bloggs@hotmail.com,Last Name,jane
2672,joe.bloggs@hotmail.com,known As,
2672,joe.bloggs@hotmail.com,Start Date,01-JUN-98
2672,joe.bloggs@hotmail.com,Cost Code,BC15
2672,joe.bloggs@hotmail.com,Division Code,BC00
2672,joe.bloggs@hotmail.com,Business Unit,B000
2672,joe.bloggs@hotmail.com,Supervisor First Name,joe
2672,joe.bloggs@hotmail.com,Supervisor Last Name,bloggs

seeking a job as java-programmer in Berlin:
That is bang on what I intend to read I was adding ^M as I need to start a new line after each record. Any ideas on how I can get this reproduced in sql to be read by excel in csv format? Ideas please. Thanks a lot so far.
Can you please explain the REAL issue you have ?
Cr (^M) prob ? Space(s) after comma prob ?
Can't Excel get the data with an ODBC link ?

Hope This Helps, PH.
Want to get great answers to your Tek-Tips questions? Have a look at FAQ219-2884 or FAQ181-2886
Thanks everyone so much for the ideas contributed. I have resorted to getting the data a different way using pl/sql's utility UTL_FILES.
I have learned a few things about sed from feherke which I believe will come in handy soon
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