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remove duplicates 1

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Mar 13, 2002
Hi there,
I need to count flight_id
flight_id datetime la_max 001 1/1/2001 6:50:15 555 002 1/1/2001 6:50:15 500
002 1/1/2001 6:51:15 550
003 2/1/2001 7:50:15 600
004 2/1/2001 8:50:15 700
004 2/1/2001 9:50:15 800

if flight_id more then once then field la_max needs to be check for maximum then if datetime + or - 2 minutes count only the record with max la_max else count it.

the example above the records count should be 5

001 1/1/2001 6:50:15 555 002 1/1/2001 6:51:15 550
003 1/1/2001 7:50:15 600
004 2/1/2001 8:50:15 700
004 2/1/2001 9:50:15 800

big thanks

You can use analytic functions to do this:

select flight_id, datetime, la_max,
(SELECT flight_id, datetime, la_max,
LAG(datetime, 1, to_date('01-jan-1900', 'DD-MON-YYYY')) OVER (PARTITION BY flight_id ORDER BY datetime) prev_datetime
FROM flights)
where (datetime - prev_datetime) >= (120/86400)
hi Dagon,
it is perfect it does work but in my case i have to select record with maximum la_max first and then check the time.
basicly what i need to check
if count flight_id =1 keep it then if count flight_id > 1 then la_max value needs to be checked for this flight_id and then datetime is checking agains
that what i have
flight_id   datetime                       la_max
7179783     06/01/06 8:23:42 PM             790
7179783     06/01/06 8:37:15 PM             788
7188559     13/01/06 9:14:52 PM             695
7188559     13/01/06 9:15:17 PM             721

after using your code i have
flight_id   datetime                       la_max
7179783     06/01/06 8:23:42 PM             790
7179783     06/01/06 8:37:15 PM             788
7188559     13/01/06 9:14:52 PM             695

but i need
flight_id   datetime                       la_max
7179783     06/01/06 8:23:42 PM             790
7179783     06/01/06 8:37:15 PM             788
7188559     13/01/06 9:15:17 PM             721
many thanks
I'm struggling to do it with analytic functions, but you could probably do it with a subquery.

select flight_id, datetime, la_max, datetime
from flights f1
where la_max =
(select max(f2.la_max)
from flights f2
where f1.flight_id = f2.flight_id
and   abs(f2.datetime - f1.datetime) <= (120/86400))
See if this works you:

select flight_id,to_char(datetime,'dd-mon-yy hh:mi:ss'),la_max
(SELECT flight_id, datetime, la_max,
OVER (PARTITION BY flight_id ORDER BY datetime desc) prev_datetime,
case when abs(lag(datetime,1,datetime)
over (partition by flight_id order by datetime desc) - datetime) >=(120/86400)
then row_number() over (partition by flight_id order by datetime desc)
when row_number() over (partition by flight_id order by datetime desc) =1
then 1 end rn
FROM flight_table)
where rn is not null
That is only giving the right answer because you have put "desc" on the datetime order by. If you reverse the times on 721 and 695, your query gives:

7179783 06-jan-06 08:37:15 788                                    
7179783 06-jan-06 08:23:42 790                                    
7188559 13-jan-06 09:15:17 695

whereas, according to the requirements, it should be 721.
How about this then:

select flight_id,to_char(datetime,'dd-mon-yy hh:mi:ss'),la_max
(SELECT flight_id, datetime, la_max,
OVER (PARTITION BY flight_id ORDER BY flight_id,datetime desc) prev_datetime,
case when lag(datetime,1,datetime)
over (partition by flight_id order by flight_id,datetime desc) - datetime
then row_number()
over (partition by flight_id order by flight_id,datetime desc)
when row_number()
over (partition by flight_id order by flight_id,datetime desc) =1
then 1 end rn
FROM tom2)
where rn is not null
It doesn't look much different to me. I still don't see anything which is getting the maximum la_max within the subset of flight_ids which went out at the same time. Also, what is TOM2 ? Is that different to the original flight table ?
hi guys,
this is what i ended up with .May be u just correct me with more efficient way
select flight_id,la_max
(select a.flight_id,a.la_max_time,a.prev_datetime,a.la_max,b.max_lm,
       (case when a.la_max = b.max_lm then 1 else 0 end)max_la_max
(SELECT flight_id,datetime, la_max, 
LAG(datetime, 1,datetime) OVER (PARTITION BY flight_id ORDER BY datetime) prev_datetime
FROM flights

and datetime between to_date('01/01/2006','dd/mm/yyyy') and to_date('31/03/2006','dd/mm/yyyy')and
    flight_id <>0 )a,

(select flight_id,max(la_max) max_LM
from flights

and datetime between to_date('01/01/2006','dd/mm/yyyy') and to_date('31/03/2006','dd/mm/yyyy')and
    flight_id <>0 
group by flight_id)b
where a.flight_id = b.flight_id )c
where max_la_max = 1 or abs(la_max_time - prev_datetime) >= (120/86400)

thank u
I think you must have done a bit of simplification on that without keeping it syntactically correct. For example, you are missing the "where" keyword in the inline views. Also, what is "la_max_time" ? Is it an additional column to datetime or is it meant to be derived somewhere in the query ?
Assuming what you actually intend is:

select flight_id, max_lm
(select a.flight_id,a.prev_datetime, a.datetime, a.la_max, b.max_lm,
       (case when a.la_max = b.max_lm then 1 else 0 end) max_la_max
(SELECT flight_id, datetime, la_max,
LAG(datetime, 1,datetime) OVER (PARTITION BY flight_id ORDER BY datetime) prev_datetime
FROM flights) a,
(select flight_id,max(la_max) max_LM
from flights
group by flight_id) b
where a.flight_id = b.flight_id ) c
where max_la_max = 1 or abs(datetime - prev_datetime) >= (120/86400)

(I have got rid of some of the where conditions which were not required for my simplified model of the table).

I still think there may be an inherent problem. Suppose you have a situation like this:

flight_id   datetime                       la_max
1           13:01                          10
1           13:02                          20
1           17:01                          15
1           17:02                          30

My understanding of your requirements is that you would need to get:

flight_id   datetime                       la_max
1           13:02                          20
1           17:02                          30

However, I believe your SQL would return:

flight_id   datetime                       la_max
1           13:02                          30
1           17:02                          30

However, I may have misunderstood your requirements or this may not be a situation which arises.

If you simply want the maximum(la_max) regardless of which timeslot it appears in, you could get this much more simply using something like:

select flight_id, datetime, la_max,
datetime, max_la_max
(SELECT flight_id, datetime, la_max,
LAG(datetime, 1, to_date('01-jan-1900', 'DD-MON-YYYY')) OVER (PARTITION BY flight_id ORDER BY datetime) prev_datetime,
MAX(LA_MAX) OVER (PARTITION BY flight_id) max_la_max
FROM flights)
where (datetime - prev_datetime) >= (120/86400)
hi dagon,
thank u for the helpfull queries i will use them but i still can not get i want
la_max_time is the same field as datetime i just simplifyed for the query purpose.
u havent misunderstood me and u r right i hit the problem where like u said
flight_id   datetime                       la_max
1           13:01                          10
1           13:02                          20
1           17:01                          15
1           17:02                          30

the record with la_max maximum needs to be shonw no matter what then datetime needs to compare agains Max(la_max) datetime and then if it is less or greater then 2 min do not display . in our example will show

flight_id   datetime                       la_max
1           17:01                          15
1           17:02                          30
thank u

So, Neskin, is it correct that you want to see, for each flight_id, its record that contains "max(la_max)", plus any rows that are within 2 minutes of the max's datetime?

(aka Dave of Sandy, Utah, USA)
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Hi Dagon,
i ahve tryed your subquery it is work for me !!!
thank u
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