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Remove CRLF and non-printable Chrs

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Feb 3, 2000
I have allow my users to capture comments in multi line text box and data keyed in this box get stored in a ‘memo’ field of a MS FoxPro table.
Is there a way to remove any crlf & any other non-printable chrs when reading this data back for reporting purpose?
Try this....

The Replace function puts a space in for each CrLf. If you wanted to look for other non-printing charactars I think you'd just have to repeat the Replace for as many things as you want to look for

Option Explicit
Dim MyString1 As String
Dim MyString2 As String

Private Sub Form_Load()
'needs a multiline textbox called MyText
MyText = "Line1" & vbCrLf & "Line2" & vbCrLf & "Line3"
End Sub

Private Sub CommandShow_Click()
MyString1 = MyText
MyString2 = Replace(MyText, vbCrLf, " ")
Debug.Print Now
Debug.Print MyString1
Debug.Print MyString2
'MyString1 shows as many lines in debug
'MyString2 shows as only one line
End Sub Jim Brown,
South Africa.
My time is GMT+2
you might want to use regular expressions...

Option Explicit

Private Sub Command1_Click()
  Dim MyText As String
  Dim MyString1 As String
  Dim MyString2 As String
  Dim oREGEXP As RegExp
  Set oREGEXP = New RegExp
  MyText = "askdf" & Chr$(0) & _
           "aklsj" & vbLf & _
           "asbsdl" & Chr$(7) & _
           "aklsj" & vbCr & _
           "jkfad" & Chr$(9) & _
           "aklsj" & vbCrLf & _
  MyString1 = MyText
  With oREGEXP
    .Pattern = "[^ -~]"
    .Global = True
    MyString2 = .Replace(MyText, " ")
  End With
  Set oREGEXP = Nothing
  Debug.Print ">>>", Now
  Debug.Print ">>>", MyString1
  Debug.Print ">>>", MyString2
End Sub
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