I've been workin away through problems today but I hadda take a break when I got stuck on this one. I have movieclips that contain other movieclips, created dynamically in script. 1 such clip is imgItemsMC which is a container for item clips. I'm parsing a list of items each with a numerical ID, and adding them to ItemMC like this
var thisItem_mc = imgItemsMC.attachMovie("circle", "Item_mc"+itemNum,itemNum);
It may not be the best method but it's the one I had been using previously to just get them in and working. "circle" is a library item with export for actionscript set, and itemNum is the ID of the item I'm inserting a symbol for.
The problem is - when loading a new list of items I need to clear everything off first. I tried imgItemsMC.unloadMovie() but then when I tried to add new items to imgItemsMC they didn't appear, so that can't be right. Is there an easy way to remove all contents of a clip? I suppose if it was necessary I could remove the actual clip and remake it again but there must be an easy way I've missed! this is Flash MX 6 / AS2
var thisItem_mc = imgItemsMC.attachMovie("circle", "Item_mc"+itemNum,itemNum);
It may not be the best method but it's the one I had been using previously to just get them in and working. "circle" is a library item with export for actionscript set, and itemNum is the ID of the item I'm inserting a symbol for.
The problem is - when loading a new list of items I need to clear everything off first. I tried imgItemsMC.unloadMovie() but then when I tried to add new items to imgItemsMC they didn't appear, so that can't be right. Is there an easy way to remove all contents of a clip? I suppose if it was necessary I could remove the actual clip and remake it again but there must be an easy way I've missed! this is Flash MX 6 / AS2